Thursday, July 23, 2009

Miami Trip, day 1-2 here is the Miami trip...I was gonna write blogs after Clement left, but I guess I never had the time... or I was just lazy. I will probably try to put some photso we took from that time later on after I finish the Miami series...Hopefully....

For the 1st day of our trip we didn't do much other than catching flights. It took us more than 6 hours to get to Miami and when we got there it was around 1:30 AM. Yes....very long ride....Here are two boring photos we took from LAX, and Ivan sure knows how to sit

We started the real 1st day of Florida trip by taking photos of the hotel surroundings. The weather was VERY hot and humid, but at least the photos turned out to be nice....The hotel had a lot of real flowers decorated throughout, and I think orchid was famous in FL or something....but we just took a photo of the roses in the lobby....

The thing I liked most about the hotel is the nice fountains everywhere.....I think to some point I am like a fountain freak or something.....

On both sides of this grass section there were swimming pools. Billy and Ivan used the swimming pool at night and I never tried....Hot tub in the room was better for me....and if you walk down from the grass then you get to the private beach of the hotel...

View of Miami in the morning as we drove on the bridge to get off our hotel island on Bay Biscayne....

Our plan for the 1st day was to check out this museum and gardens called Vizcaya....which was really close to our hotel once we got of the island. The property was once owned by this industrialist, James Deering, from Chicago. He spent a long time building the place for it to look like Europe, and employed 1/10 of the population at Miami at the time to work on it. I actually think the gardens looked decent, but Ivan was feeling way too hot and sweaty to be patient enough to go through the whole thing. We left after few hours, and here are some photos...

You are actually not allowed to take photos inside of James Deering's house, but we managed to sneak in 2 cuz at the little tiny stairs there we nobody around to watch us. I really liked how the stairs looked like....

After the Vizcaya gardens we didn't really know where to go after some driving. We roamed around and bumped into Miami City Hall by accident....

Before we went to dinner we stopped by the place under the bridge which takes us back to the hotel every night. We got some nice shots of Miami downtown during day time....and the bridge as well....

At the parking lot of the restaurant we went to, we saw this little poor cat who was starving. He tried to rub his head against me and meowed to us. We sneaked out some food during dinner to feed him a little. I wish Hades gets to see what kinda prince he is at home....yeah I know I am sounding like a mom telling kids to look at others from Africa....

Here are photos for the food we got....

Our table had good view of Miami downtown....

Here is the view we get from the window where our seats were next to.....The 2nd photo is one that I took with cool color effect....

Views of downtown Miami through the dinner...sunset, getting dark, and when it was finally dark...

When we left the restaurant it was kinda late so the lighting was bad...all blurry....and that ends the 1st day :)

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