Friday, July 24, 2009

Miami Trip, day 3

The schedule for our 3rd day at Miami was to go all the way to Key West, which was REALLY far from Miami by driving....and here are the photos for the whole day....

This is the view from our hotel balcony...I looked completely tired in the morning....puffy eyes and stoned expressions...

Hotel gives us chocolate everyday....Billy said they were pretty good but I never tried...The hotel lamp looked really cool too. It looked like the light bulb was hanging in the air by itself......oh...and I have no idea why Billy looked like he was counting money at a Vegas hotel....with his cool hairdo...

Here is my iphone.....which helped us get through the trip with all the maps...and kept me entertained whenever I was bored....

Starbucks was the one thing which was able to keep my "happy" index up whenever I was frustrated with the trip....

On the way to Key West we were driving almost on the water. The highway connected whole bunch of small islands, and we finally decided to just get off in the middle and took some photos. The weather was super hot, and we were all sweating after like one min. We faked all the smiles and got back to the car and AC ASAP....

Ivan was trying to point to somewhere....I have no idea where....

The scenery was actually pretty peaceful....but....the weather didn't really feel like that...

We finally got to Key West and walked around the square called Mallory Square which was right next to the square. There weren't that many people when we arrived in the late afternoon though....

I think the square is named after this lady....but I am not sure....

This weird thingy is made by sponges from the sea...and Ivan looks just like it....

There were scooters everywhere....kinda looked like the road side in TW....

We checked out some stores at the square....

There was this art museum with some statues in the front....So we started to act silly....

This is the beginning....and the end....ok that just sounds like alpha and omega in the bible...

We got to Key West kinda late so we just kinda walked around the famous square close to the pier.

There were quite a few boats going back and forth while the sun was setting. I think there must be some boat tours or something...and Ivan here is being poetic...drinking his bottle at the pier..

Weird thing Billy bought in the 2nd picture here.... He said it's what you are supposed to eat when you are at Key West...and that didn't taste very good nor special...The weather was so hot he kept on buying drinks too....more than we could finish at the same time....

So I guess sunset at Key West is supposed to be the famous thing everyone who comes here have to do. Performing artists started to gather as the sun started to go down. The tourists all gathered around to watch them and the sunset at the same time. I guess the night time would be more fun but then we had to leave for our endless drive back to Miami....Oh and the Scottish bagpipe dude was really loud....

We wanted to go check out the house of Hemingway even though we didn't have time to actually go in since it was closed when we got there....and then we accidentally bumped into this hat looking thing...yeah...we were at the "southernmost point" in the united state. I guess now we have done that we won't ever have to come back to Key West again....

We were gonna stop by this seafood place for a really late night dinner....but then they only have seafood burger or something like that....We ended up using their restrooms and took photos of the sharks...and then had the big M

We got back to our island late after midnight. Took some more night view shots of Miami again...and that concludes the day :)

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