Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A day at the garden...actually quite relaxing.....

We went to Descanto garden Sat afternoon. I kinda liked the place which was kinda surprising cuz I am not a flower person. I guess I liked it cuz there were enough tall trees which just kept the place shady enough for me. I alos liked how it is kinda small so we didn't have to waste too much time just trying to get through everything...Anyway....here are the photos....

Flowers close to the entrance. I took a shot of the lotus with a tiny blue dragonfly on the leave enev though the focus was on the flower....

I am not sure if Japanese people at the time really had this sort of lights....

A shot at the Japanese garden...kinda nice...

From Lilac garden....The season already passed but there were some left....oh and there were a lot of purple flowers in the garden right now....weird...

So this is the flower that is EVERYWHERE in the garden. I don't really understand why people would want to buy this kinda flower but they do....I think it's called Camellia? or something like that which I don't think I will try to remember for long...lol

Didn't even know I caught a bee when I was shooting the bell flower which was moving violently by the wind....

Cool and ancient looking lamp that was hid in the trees....

Not really sure why people try to look all Asian....

Looking out at the fountain from inside of the house....

Classy typewriter from the rich dude's study room....

I wonder if people really used this for time...

Completely unfocused...but I like the color...

Flower that reminded me of 雞蛋冰from night markets when I was a little kid....even though I never tried it...

ah....so peaceful....like a painting with those weird trees....

Billy took a solo photo of me and I was faking how happy I was....turned out pretty nice...


I like how focused and unfocused this is...

We were trying to take a photo of us on the two chairs out of no where....but then couldn't find a place to set the camera....so I got this solo photo again....

A stranger took this for us....yeah I forgot the tripod again....I think I am gonna try and bring Ivan here so he can take photos for us....lol....

Very vibrant poppy seed flowers....not even sure if I have the name right....oh well....

Cactus with flowers....and I think the flowers must be sweet cuz you see ants and bugs in them...

The turtle was totally enjoying the sun unlike me....

I was actually shooting for the reflection of the trees....

A lot of roses from the rose garden. I personally don't like it when roses fully open, but I guess many people still like roses.....

Very weird tree....kids were actually hiding in it. Do you see the feet?

Cute flowers from the cactus....

I actually liked the afternoon at the garden except I think I was wearing the wrong shoe...Now we bought the annual pass to the garden I think next time I will remember to wear my sneakers... :)

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