Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Too fast? or too slow?

Have you ever wonder why time goes so fast sometimes? I guess when we don't think about it much, it goes with a regular tempo....but when we think about gets scary and moves like a Presto...

I was trying to mail a letter and get some latte from Starbucks, and that took me 30 min. I was trying to laundry this morning, and two out of the three machines were broken. The result of that is more than 2 hours just to finish laundry. Getting materials ready and finish cooking them is about one hour. Folding clothes is about 10 min. After all discover all the time just disappeared and you have not done anything all that meaningful.

I thought it was only few years ago when I last joined my own family retreat for Chinese new year, and it's actually around 5 years ago. It seems just like yesterday when I think about my high school years, and my high school friends told me it's already 15 years ago since we 1st met. My last tour with ministry was already a year ago, and it's more than 4 years since I saw my Asian friends. Man...what did I do with all those years really?

Have you ever wonder why time does not budge much when you want it to move faster? When you want something or someone to just disappear from your life they never do? When you want miracles to happen in your life it never does? When you want to accomplish something you cannot find the right time or resources to finish? Days become to feel like years till you actually forget how long it has been?

Time is really an odd thing, isn't it....

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