Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Babies and music....what other topics can there be?

I think I must be growing real old. Almost everyone around me who is married is somehow talking about kids all the time. The married couples either have new born babies, or are planning to have the 2nd one soon. Some of my friends who married really early even have kids 5 years old already. To be honest all the baby talks drives me crazy. It just seems like when people have kids they have NOTHING else to talk about other than kids. I find the situation hard to appreciate when there is only one subject going on and on and on in conversations....Well....I guess I can't complain when I don't have one to talk about right now....but I certainly hope my life won't ever be that boring when I have kids...if that ever happens....not according to my wish at this point of course.

Compared to the norm...musicians don't tend to have kids that early....at least the established ones...1st of all to be an established musician people tend to not get married that soon. I have just reconnected with whole bunch of friends from high school (including some faculties actually), and about half of them are still not married. Only very few of the married ones actually have kids. It amuses me to see how most of the musicians I know are traveling like crazy. It's like you can't ever find a stable job for musicians. You have to travel, perform, expand your territories so more connections can be made....and then more jobs may come. I guess that is why eventually the ones who want to be stablized find themselves a teaching post somewhere...and yet even with that they need to travel somewhere else for the summer for music festivals...

I am not really sure if I enjoy listening to all the music related stories more than baby stories. Okok.....music stories and musician dramas are still more interesting....but it's just that I am out of the circle for so long I have no idea how classical musicians live their lives striving to get more known somehow....It's like you get from teaching posts at smaller schools to larger schools, then universities, and then famous Universities.....on and on and on....and then you wonder if they really love what they do.....cuz even within schools you have a lot of politics within the music environment....oh well....

The other violin teacher at my high school told me that he is coming to LA in Nov. and we should try to hook up. It would certainly be interesting enough if I meet him up since I don't think my own teacher was all that tight with him. Oh well....we will see....maybe it will never happen....hahahaha

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