Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What good are love letters really?

I have been listening and discussing about relationship/marriage issues with few friends for the past few days. I have to say things in this world are really not that encouraging....

This morning I was reading song of Solomon with my daily devotions. It was around 5-6 that Solomon was having problem with his wife....and in the "observation" part of the life lessons, the author wrote "Marriage has several elements: love, commitment, sexual desire, admiration, and friendship. As a marriage matures, so does the commitment to resolve problems and to deepen the friendship". I wonder how many people are actually able to do that. 1st of all there may be no friendship to start with so how do you deepen it? and then commitment....yeah....like it can be done just by saying it....

One thing I find funny is how Solomon writes as if he is so devoted and committed to his wife cuz she is the best he could find....and then it's not like we don't know how many wives he has. I wonder what the heck he was thinking then. It becomes too easy for people to say how much they love a person nowadays nobody bothers to prove it with actions any more. Things are just easier said than done....Maybe it started with Solomon's love letters? Say it 1st anyway and then so something else later on....Is that why there are so many affairs no matter what we promise each other? hum....

Maybe....it's bad genes Solomon got from his dad David....I was watching a TV interview with this famous "women's right movement" advocate called 施寄青. Her sons were in this interview with her, and when the host asked her what she wants with her son's relationships she said "well...I don't really care if they get married or not cuz marriage is not always a good thing....but if they do....I only want them to have no affairs. However....I would not be able to guarantee they will have no affairs because they do get bad genes on that aspect." She had a divorce herself because her husband was having affair with another woman. Isn't it just amazing how parents can affect their next generation so much? I think it's absolutely scary and depressing at times....

1 comment:

Billy said...

One thing you have to realize is that Song of Solomon is also a love letter from God to men. God inspired Solomon to write that for himself... AND for Himself!

Regarding the shortcomings of Solomon, yes, they are all quite true, but there were also great things about Solomon too, right?

Solomon himself said everything is meaningless... surely he's also agreeing with you that even love letters are meaningless too! ;) However, I don't believe he wrote it while didn't really mean what he wrote. Everything is meaningless doesn't mean we ought to just quit doing things and just wait for death to overcome us.

Death is natural. Depression is natural. Even meaninglessness is kinda natural..., but we have a God who's supernatural... Who can overcome depression, death and can make everything meaningful!

May God help us live out this supernatural life! ;)