Friday, February 6, 2009

Hopefuly it gets better day by day....

Things at home kinda calmed down a little bit. I think Mintie is probably all used to the new home and she sleeps in our room now. Hades still does like it whenever Mintie gets too close, but I think he has learned to ignore her most of the time. Hades is still in his bad mood cuz he does not purr as much as he used to, not even in the morning...I am still worried for his health even though he is eating, but he does not seem to enjoy things much nowadays since he is always watching out for Mintie....

I think now those two cats mainly have restroom and food problems. They want to compete in going to the sand box. Mintie sometimes would just step into the box without actually going to restroom. Ithink she just wants to leave her scent there. She is also very into eating Hades' dry food, which is supposed to be for old dudes...Sometimes she would eat it even when she is not hungry, just so she feels she is doing things Hades is doing I think. She follows Hades a lot, but then Hades hates having a shadow still....sighs...

One thing I have also noticed for the past few days is that Mintie chases Hades' tail when she is in her "energetic" mode in the early morning. I would hear them running around and I am not sure if they are playing or fighting. Well...maybe the exercising is good for both of them since they are both fat....Anyway....let me post some more photos....

Mintie basically took over Hades' tree house. Hades does not step on that tree any more now....but then I am happy Hades still comes up to bed sometimes when he is in better mood...and they can actually sleep on the same bed at times even though Hades usually refuses to look at her.......:)

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