Saturday, February 23, 2008

Lost.....The TV show

We have been watching this TV series called "Lost" for a while (so far still on season one)....and there were two lines that caught my attention today. (actually the 2nd one caught my attention and 1st one caught Billy's). 1st one: "I have no expectations, but I have hope." 2nd one : "Commitment is what ticks you, but what you are unable to do is letting go..."

Billy thought the 1st line is deep cuz when you have absolutely no expectations you can still have hope. I understand what he is thinking, but again I can't completely agree. I personally think it takes a lot of "no hope" situations to finally come to a "no expectation" condition. Maybe people would be looking at this line from a diff. starting point. As for Billy, he probably sees "no expectations" 1st to hold his hopes up. (as a positive person of course) I know...this is confusing....but tossing this around is fun....(yet another brain twister....)

The 2nd line however, hits my heart. I think it would rub the hearts of most competitive people, including me. We probably committed everything we have to win the race or whatever we are trying to win in life. When there comes a situation where we may face the chance of losing something or someone, we then refuse to let go at the end. We cannot let go of the memories, the efforts we put into certain things, the connections we made, the loyalties we gave to certain people or work, etc....At the end, not letting go hurts us the most cuz we take everything too seriously.

It is difficult (for some) to recognize how rare it is for people to take others (things or people) seriously. "Letting go" is indeed becoming a skill or survival in our world today. I think this is exactly why the main character of the show "Lost" (Doc. Jack Sephard) is with that specific "no- giving- up" personality. People probably like watching him because it's rare to find such commitment and determination in our everyday life.....sad, but true in many ways....

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