Monday, October 27, 2008

How is that so good?

Weekend went by without me noticing it again. It was both packed and relaxing at the same time. Packed because we had lunches with various friends, and my fat body got packed with more fat. I just don't know why I am accumulating so much weight from last week...hum....anyway....It was relaxing cuz we really didn't do much.

On Sat we went to check out some condos since Chih-Lin is less busy nowadays. There were 2 pretty cool condos, but one in a condition which will probably require too much work...and the other one just a bit more expensive. This house hunting thing is really getting annoying and tiring. I wonder when will be the time that we finally move into something that belongs to ourselves....

Rest of the weekend was just a lot of TV watching, and Chih-Lin actually burnt the movie 海角七號for us so we watched it last night. I am not sure if I just had too high of an expectation for it, or my taste of movies just aren't the same with TW people....I didn't like the movie at all.....1st of all, I thought the movie was just way too predictable. On top of that, a lot of things didn't make sense to me....Let me just list out stuff that I had question marks on...

1. What is the point of setting up this whole old story between the Japanese guy and TW girl that goes through the whole movie? To me...I don't get why the guy left the girl in TW just because of his stupid egotistic emperorism thoughts. If he indeed loved the girl so much, then wouldn't he do something about it? not like the girl didn't want to go with him or something you know? Hiding for a life time and then writing so the letters can be sent after his death? Man....if you want to NOT do something when you can, then don't regret it at the end....especially on this kinda love situation....
2. What's up with the main character Ah-Jia and the Japanese model wanna be girl? The girl is apparently dissatisfy with her career and frustrated with the whole band situation that she needs to take care of....but does the frustration in life justifies and gives enough reasons for her to just have sex with the singer? and that sex incident is how they started their relationship? no wonder people from the Internet said this is one thing that does not add to the value of the movie at all....oh...and I hate how Japanese girls talk....exaggerations of tone and super noisy...and her ugly mandarin accents were uncalled for...
3. Why is that hotel cleaning lady even introduced in the movie? other than the fact that she speaks Japanese, her daughter plays piano, and that her grnadma is the person who should get all those old letters? If she did something that annoyed her grandma so much, then what is it? Why is her daughter so weird? What up with bringing that church scene? What does that do for the movie line? One thing I don't really get is how the movie introduces so many characters and each one of them seem to have some stories of their own, and yet none of the stories were really laid out clearly. What is the point then? If you want to give the movie audience so many bits of pieces of information, then shouldn't you piece the big puzzle together at the end?
4. So what is up with a band that is all "local" but completely untalented? By the way....the lead singer does not even sing better than the guitarist? and his guitar playing also suck? so why does he have the right to get angry about not making it in music? and what is that tension between him and his stepfather? The tension was introduced, but again not not really resolved. Is it really possible to put a band together when all they did was crappy rehearsals? How did they become able to play at the concert? by miracle? what was the progress? What linked them together? and the band didn't even have a last rehearsal of that 2nd song and all of a sudden they knew exactly how to play the acoustic arrangement? Come on.....
5. SO at the end .....what is really the main theme from this movie? Is it the old story between that Japanese guy and TW girl? or the stupid relationship caused by one night sex with the Japanese girl and the TW singer? Or is the band and the concert more imp? or all the small clues you get through each characters' lives that you can not really piece together cuz there weren't enough explanation on anything? Or is it trying to bring out the whole 草根文化of Taiwanese people? is it supposed to be a positive image?

I have to say the only thing I enjoyed about this movie is really how they cuss with Taiwanese. 茂伯was the only character I liked. Direct and funny and does not give up on things he wants to do. I guess the determined 馬拉桑 was alright too....but that is about all that kept me watching the movie. I have been watching some of those movies that created big fuzzes from TW recently, and so far I do not understand what people are raving about on most of them.....Is it that I am just too critical? or that I am just missing whatever hidden meanings are there? hum....I wonder...

1 comment:

Billy said...

1) It is clear that Japanese teach had been a wuss. For sure he lived his life full of regrets. But it's understandable I suppose. He can't really stay in Taiwan anymore. It also wouldn't be good for the girl to bring her to Japan. So between a rock and a hard place, he chose to simply hide. A lot of people do that. They hide or ignore the problem I guess. But in this case, the love is just too strong to hide. He could help but write those letters... his own granddaughter couldn't help but mail those letters off... and in the end it encouraged other folks in the movie to not to be like him... to not to be afraid to love!

2) Yeah, without the sex scene, it'd definitely made their love story even better! I agree it's kinda unnecessary. But at least it wasn't drunken sex. If the 2 really secretly harbor feelings for one another and when they're alone in a room, I suppose this would be a 'natural result' since the flesh is weak! ;)

3)My guess the hotel lady probably had a fall out with the grandma because of a relationship(which resulted in her daughter). For whatever reasons, she doesn't like japanese and she probably thought her grandma doesn't know anything about love anyways... Anyway, she's for sure pretty messed up herself. She's also super observant. She may not talk much, but she knows everything that's going on... including the secret crush the guy had for the boss's wife! ;) It sure would be nice to give us a bit more explanation I suppose.

4) Yeah, their final concert event is just very unconvincing. I suppose they probably did practiced much more on their own behind the movie camera! ;)

5)Main theme is just about love! Don't lose hope... and have faith! Nice messages, but just a bit too unrealistic. Way too many fake rainbows in the movie! ;)