Friday, October 31, 2008


I had the worst sleep in a while last night. I am not really sure my sleep was interrupted throughout the night, and I just had weird dreams for the whole night. I dreamed a friend of mine was trying to get my ears pierced so I can be controlled through this weird magic that comes with the earring....and there were others I couldn't remember clearly....Hades was certainly not helping by scratching his neck and ears whenever he thought about it. I think he is just reacting on his lack of sleep from two nights ago with a bad mood.

I finally gave up and just woke up to take a bath for Hades in the morning. He was sure surprised the bath came so early and took more than usual cuz I needed to apply two diff. types of shampoo on him. I guess at least he is liking the smell more than the medicated spray I put on him few days ago. Maybe I should go get this medicated collar for him later on so we can avoid future possibilities of flea or ticks when we take him out. I doubt he is gonna like it though....such a difficult cat....

I am still super dizzy and the coffee does not seem to work. I think the cloudy weather might of contributed to my insomnia and also preventing from waking up fully. My mood is not too shady though.....I guess it's because today is Friday. Oh and it's Halloween too....which means if it does not rain we will see some kids wondering around through the streets all dressed up weird...I never thought all that dressing up is fun, and so I never did....but oh well....there are a lot of things I don't think is fun cuz I probably didn't have a real childhood anyway....Alright....time to finish another cup of coffee....

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