Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fire on....

During the weekend we had crazy fires going on starting from areas close to Irene's place (Corona) all the way to Diamond Bar. A lot of properties were burnt and many people were evacuated from their homes. I guess it's the biggest fire which is close to "normal" living areas that happened recently.....

Last night a big fire happened close to our place. At 1st there were a lot of helicopters circling around in the sky together with all the howling sound of sirens. About 5 min later our electricity went off, came back, and then went off again for the night. Since the internet was off and we couldn't find out what was really going on, I called Jack and asked him to check out news.....only to confirm my guess was right. Apparently something blew up at one of the construction sites about one block southeast of us....

I haven't really check out how the fire looked like on TV yet, but from what I heard from friends it was big. The condos next to the site were probably damaged. We could even see the light caused by the fire from our apartment. I guess the fire was put out right around midnight cuz that is around when the sirens stopped and the helicopters left. Our lights turned back on around 2 in the morning and I got woke up by the lights and the TV in the living room. I guess that was kinda spooky but then I was very happy to know I would have my normal internet and TV to watch next day.

It's quite scary to think what would happen to Hades if a fire goes off at our apartment when we are not home. I certainly hope that never happens. Everything can kinda be recovered except lives. It's also amazing to think about how much we rely on those things we don't think about everyday. All the modern convenient inventions that is electricity related surely takes a big part of lives. I wonder what would happen if we have to live in the wilderness with nothing around us....just for a week....hum.....

Anyway....a very firy week indeed. Hopefully all victims can recover from their losses fast....sighs....

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