Monday, November 3, 2008

Editing our lives?

My SG baba has been very into photography lately. He got a fake DSLR by Canon just like I got one by Fuji, but then he has already upgraded to a real DSLR last week. It's just funny how sometimes we are interested in the same kinda stuff right around the same time...but then I think I am having much more self control right now since I know I am not going crazy taking photos of everything I see yet....My camera now is more like a thing that Billy uses to take photos of Hades....

Speaking of photos....Stuff Jon took were usually edited heavily with whatever software he is really fond of using. I am not sure if I am into all those photo editing when you can right away see the pictures are edited. I understand some adjustments need to be made on photos because of certain reasons since I do it sometimes too, but then if everything is heavily edited then doesn't it just lose the purpose of taking the photos just for the given moments? Since catching the moment is so precious, what are we doing to add so much to the moments?

That really makes me think of life....There are so many things that you just cannot recreate in life. When the moment is gone then it's gone. I guess that is why people regret....cuz if you don't catch the moment, then you won't see it ever again. That is why making decisions sometimes become such a burden cuz whatever you decide to do at this given moment may just change the whole history of your life.....That is also why I get annoyed at people who say they want to do something and yet never do it. If you don't want to do it then why bother talking about it? I don't know....maybe talking about things without doing them somehow lightens the burden in the process....but then for sure at the end result is possibly regret and you wonder "what if"....

Just something I thought about when I looked at all those edited photos.....They may look nice....and yet I don't know if they really are....not that everyone can tell anyway....just like most other things in life....sometimes it's hard to see what is fake from the surface of the situation...By the way.....a movie we saw over the weekend on DVD called "Married Life" certainly depict the concept very well. Whatever you think is true in the marriage may be very diff. when the real truth is revealed....A very slow and interesting non-comedy comedy movie which got me entertained fully. Worth making a note of.....

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