Tuesday, November 4, 2008

History was made indeed

It's quite amazing that the 1st Black President has just been elected here in the states. I am sure all the black people are very thrilled about this too.....just think about how they were slaves before the civil war, and now a black President!!!! I wonder what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would say if he is still alive today...must be very proud.....

I am personally not a big fan of Obama, but I think this is a very cool historical moment for US. I don't think any one of us can predict who can lead the country better, but then we can only hope for the best. I think McCain actually gave a very good speech after the result came out, and felt sorry that he will be too old for another election. I guess if I am a citizen I would vote for Obama just because McCain is too old, and Palin just appears annoying to me....

The TV is showing scenes right at Chicago (Grant Park) and Washington D.C. It's interesting to see those two places that we both went this year, with people packed everywhere for the election. I guess elections are what attract people's attention in every country. After some big economical distresses people always want some changes, and then they put all the hope on new Presidents. Now I guess the new President Obama will need to prove himself and meet some of the promises that he gave during this election period. I hope he won't be what Taiwan's President Ma is like. I guess we will have to pray for him.....

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