Thursday, April 30, 2009

Has it been 2 months yet?

I have been back to LA for a little over than 2 weeks now I think...and it feels like more than 2 months. I guess time indeed is all relative. Didn't really write anything on the blog cuz there is not much to write. I have not been sleeping much since the cats keep on waking me up in the morning. For some reason Mintie wakes up around 5 and even though she knows she is not gonna get her food right away she still tries to step on me and snuggle with us. Hades on the other hand just scratches on his food box and makes noises when he wants something. I guess Hades is just more determined on everything, and he is still very determined on how he is gonna hit Mintie whenever he feels like it.

I have been dealing with Mintie's diarrhea for like the longest time. It looks like the switched diet is helping her a little, but then she still tries to steal Hades' food and causes herself trouble when she does. The new expensive food I got her seems to be the most effecient on her case right now, but then she doesn't really like it. Hades loves that new food but then he really shouldn't be eating that....Man I guess having 2 kids at home really creates a lot of trouble...especially when they don't get along and have diff. personalities.....

Ivan's teacher started contacting me on facebook and chatted with me a little yesterday. If feels kinda weird to chat with a complete stranger, but I guess I am pretty good at that anyway. Talking with people my own age is also something I rarely do. I know if it's up to me I run out of topics with people my own age...very quickly....It also feels funny to me how someone my own age would still be thinking of going to school. I guess I am just not too fond of school, and school does not mean much to me in general. I find it entertaining to see how some people take going to school and getting a degree very fulfilling to them....It's like they are pursuing their dreams or something....I guess people are all diff....and I have to admit school was never part of my dream anyway....

I guess it's too bad that Ivan't teacher is now heading to London instead of LA for the summer. I guess people are indeed afraid of the swine flu more than I can feel it. I was kinda curious how it would feel like when I get to meet her in person, maybe with Ivan around in the summer too....I guess I just want to get to see how the "more normal" crowd my own age really is....but then....not really at the same time....I know...I am weird...normal is not my thing....but maybe she is unique in a way too...who knows? Oh point wondering about it now....

I guess I should post some photos I took recently after I upload them since I don't have much to write....We will see....

Monday, April 20, 2009

Speaking of reality....

I think I am pretty much back to reality do I know? well...from stuff that happened during the last week?

1. I am back to teaching of course...and only a few of my students actually practiced....what is the surprise right? I also had cancellations last week, but of course I didn't mind teaching less since I wasn't all that excited to see them anyway....I think this week will be all back to normal, and hopefully more kids would at least try to get back on track after my nagging last week....

2. LA weather was kinda nice and cool when I got back, and yet it started to get crazy hot over the weekend. I guess I am not only back to reality, I am also facing summer pretty soon....

3. Life is back to watching A LOT OF TV. I think that is about all we do at night, and I finally got sick of that. Too much boring stuff is just too much....not like we are getting any meaningful/ inspirational discussions out of the stuff we watch anyway....Watching TV a lot of time means no need for interactions, and that is not how I like it. I guess it's diff. at home cuz my family actually discuss stuff when we watch TV so it's not all that boring. Anyway....enough of that. The result was I had a fight we Billy and felt all frustrated again. So I guess I am back to reality....

4. My weight also dropped back to normal like 2 days after I got back. For a few days before weekend it was actually few lbs below normal. I was very amused that I got an e-mail from Hsiao-Li asking if I exercise to keep slim. I guess pretty soon I can open a class for those who want to lose weight...and yet the only thing I can tell them is to pick their men carefully...So...weight is also back to normal....and hopefully it stays normal....

5. I am now consistently watching and checking on my cats too. Cats are fighting almost everyday, and having problems here and there. I guess my pets are not like those normal "no need for attentions" cats anyway.....and watching them makes me feel being needed so I guess it's not all that bad....The only thing I don't enjoy much is how they wake me up 4 or 5 in the morning....even though sometimes they just want to say hello in the morning when they are up....sighs...

6. I started cooking and basically cooked for the whole time after we got home in the afternoon yesterday till around 9 at night. I was pretty surprised on how tired I felt around 10 at night. I am not sure it's because I haven't done any house work for 2 weeks, or it's from the lack of sleep for the whole week. Going to super markets and deal with what to eat everyday is surely a clear sign of how much I am back to reality. I often wonder why people need to eat....seriously life would be much easier if we don't....

7. I am starting to think where I can go for vacation next time....and that means I am trying to get out of here again....It's amazing how fast I feel like I need a break....even when I am not doing much at all...weird huh? but that is normal for me much I know where I am now....

Friday, April 17, 2009

1st week after a vacation is always hard... it's finally Friday....and I can't wait till today to be over....It's an odd thing how time just goes so slowly ever since I got back to LA. I guess I am just not really good with routine life, or maybe it's just the teaching part...oh well....A lot of students canceled on me just like how it always is every time I leave for a while....that always makes me wonder why I didn't stay longer at wherever I was taking vacation at....oh well...sometimes we just never learn....

Not much was happening for the whole week, except we have some animal matters at home...Mintie was having diarrhea and I think she was kinda stressed cuz Hades started hitting her again after we resumed our normal life. I got some OTC medication for her and I think she felt better after one day of treatment. She didn't go and poop this morning though, which makes me wonder if the medication now got her a little constipated??? I am still not sure if it's food allergy (since she had diarrhea on and off ever since she started stealing Hades' dry food) or really stress much trouble when a cat is kinda scared of people + trying to adjust to a new environment....I hope she is gonna be fine when Clement and Ivan are here....

Hades' eyes seem to work ok now. I started feeding him this supplement which is supposed to help his immune system. The new tear drops we got from the animal clinic at TW didn't really work that well I think. We will have to see if the human ones work if the situation ever happen again. I am hoping we won't even need that if the supplement works...I started to have itchy eyes after I got back though. It seems like the allergy I had at TW followed me back, which is kinda strange. The human eye drop I got before I left TW became handy for my itchy eyes. Hopefully this will go away soon too....

Hades started having this really weird behavior last night too. He would go to our guest restroom and stand in front of the mirror for a long time. He would stare into the mirror to watch what is going on in the living room, and he can stay there like forever. It was kinda freaky so we taped some paper on the mirror to stop him from doing that, but he still tried a few times after that...I wonder what is going on with that behavior....hopefully nothing serious but just a new hobby he developed....

Other than the two kids acting weird here and there, we have some guests on our balcony too....We got two pigeons trying to get into our balcony few days ago. I kept on forcing them out (cuz there are actually nets around our balcony so most of the time birds cannot get in...), but those 2 just would not leave. I was wondering what is up with those 2 and then one day I saw an egg on the ground. I guess the weather had been kinda cold for the whole week and they just need a place where they can protect their egg...So...the mommy bird has been sitting on the egg ever since...and that kinda gives our cats some entertainment whenever they are in good....Hopefully we will be able to kick the birds out once the egg gets hatched....It will be kinda cool to watch too I guess...oh well...

So....I guess that is all I have been doing....watching the animals around here....I am so looking fwd to weekend....cuz then my watching animal sessions won't be interrupted by teaching hours in the middle of the I am just starting to sound

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lakers game April 2009

Thanks for Billy's cousin who works at the NBA office in TW, we were able to go to a Lakers game for free. The original idea was to take Billy's nephew Daniel out to see stuff since that kid is always playing computer games whenever he stays at the grandparents over the weekends. I guess we all thought it would do the kid some good to go somewhere so we went to the game the day after I returned to LA. We arrived at the Staples Center a little past 6pm.

The game was actually packed as you can see from the entrance...

We picked up the tickets at will call. I was surprised to see how expensive the tickets actually were....147 each???? I kinda knew we would get good seats cuz it's like comp tickets from staff, but didn't expect NBA tickets to be that expensive really....Our seats were at row G, which were at the 7th row from the court....

Reporting booth, and the decorations inside...

They had their own live band....and they played for the national anthem...and that is about what I can

Lakers had this cool white screen which was like 360 degrees right in the center. They introduced the team on that screen with projector thgether with short clips from games...

They had hot dogs for dinner....and this was mine dinner...

Pretty cool huh? Billy did a good job getting this shot I think....

The Lakers girls....That was their 1st dress which I liked the most....

The 2nd outfit which I thought was kinda boring....

The 3rd outfit actually looked better there....not too impressive on the photo... who is the big shot from Lakers? yeah....of course it's Kobe....By the way....he didn't even play for the last part of the game since it was too easy to win Mephis for Lakers. Too bad we had to take photos when Lakers was on the other half of the court or else we could get better shots...

I started liking Fisher years ago....I think it was when Lakers was playing with 76er for championship one year....It was when I was still in COG I think....dang time passed fast.....and Fisher is still here :)

The court was too bright...

just a shot when people were actually in action...

I always thought the Lakers' coach looks like the Greek mythology God of sea, Poseidon....I don't know where I got that idea, but I just think that

Billy's mom tried to take photos for us....what I have to say is....I don't think my camera works too well whenever people other than Billy or me use it....oh well....

Billy noticed these two guys and thought he was going out of his mind seeing a person changing teams in the game....Later we found out those two players actually have the same last name and thought they are twins...Now from what I was told by relative and friends....they are actually brothers, not twins....and Lakers wanted the one that is in Memphis at 1st, but ended with the younger brother now. I feel bad for the one in Memphis now....

I just don't think Daniel was very into the game....but oh least it was fun for me...

That was the scores in 3rd quater...I think Memphis never got closer than 10 points with Lakers...Game was not all that interesting since the other team is too weak....

Some other players who Ivan may here....those photos are for you to see, Ivan :)

We got out after 9....and again....did I say my camera does not like other people using it? lol....

Took a shot of our tickets after we got home....and that concludes the night :)

Life after TW so far.....

Coming back to LA is kinda interesting....I think I am somehow still in my vacation mood and really doesn't feel like facing reality (even though jet lag wise I am doing pretty damn well). On the way back I managed to sleep around 3 hours and also finished three movies on the plane. The plane was packed with people from Vietnam and God knows where else. China airline was smart enough to put three diff. airlines of people together on one plane. I guess the economy is really no good that airlines are losing money if they have empty flights going....

Anyway...I hated all three movies (Benjamin Button, Revolutionary Road, Marley and Me) cuz none of them had good endings....It's kinda odd cuz I am not particularly into happy Hollywood endings, but then I guess bad endings with relationships just tick me off since I already see plenty of them in this messed up world...

I was lucky to get out of the airport relatively fast. I got out of immigrations like in 2 min, and my suitcase came out fast too which kinda surprised me since Billy told me his came out last. I was able to get on the car around 9 and got home before 10. I think the cats were happy to see me. Hades seemed more relaxed after I got home, but then they started fighting a lot more as well.....I think this jealousy issue with Hades is hard to deal he really hates it when Mintie wants all the love from

Mintie has been having diarrhea though....I am kinda worried about it because I think this morning I saw some blood when I tried to wipe her butt too....I am praying this will go away soon or else it would mean some intestinal bleeding with her....and then of course another vet visit will be necesarry....which will probably add more stress to her....sighs....I have heard my friend saying how her cat was bleeding after they got a 2nd cat. I hope this won't stay....

Monday, April 13, 2009


Saw this news just now ....quite amazing I thought.....Why am I putting it on the blog? cuz I guess that reminds us that we never know when we will get to use the skills we have....and if we have some kinda skill that is sufficient to save others' lives just for once...then it's worth all the time and energy we spent learning it.... wouldn't you say?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Interesting test.....

I saw this link on Joelle's blog....and decided to give it a try.....before I realize I did this with the Eng version before....but is the result....

分析:您的性格類型是「INTJ」( 專家型 )

在實現自己的想法和達成自己的目標時有創新的想法和非凡的動力。能很快洞察到外界事物間的規律並形成長期的遠景計劃。一旦決定做一件事就會開始規劃並直到 完成為止。多疑、獨立,對於自己和他人能力和表現的要 求都非常高。 INTJ型的人是完美主義者。他們強烈地要求個人自由和能力,同時在他們獨創的思想中,不可動搖的信仰促使他們達到目標。 INTJ型的人思維嚴謹、有邏輯性、足智多謀,他們能夠看到新計劃實行後的結果。他們對自己和 別人都很苛求,往往幾乎同樣強硬地逼迫別人和自己。他們並不十分受冷漠與批評的干擾,作為所有性格類型中最獨立的,INTJ型的人更喜歡以自己的方式行 事。面對相反意見,他們通常持懷疑態度,十分堅定和堅決。權 威本身不能強制地們,只有他們認為這些規則對自己的更重要的目標有用時,才會去遵守。 INTJ型的人是天生的謀略家,具有獨特的思想、偉大的遠見和夢想。他們天生精於理論,對於複雜而綜合的概念運轉靈活。他們是 優秀的戰略思想家,通常能清楚地看到任何局勢的利處和缺陷。對於感興趣的問題,他們是出色的、具有遠見和見解的組織者。如果是他們自己形成的看法和計劃, 他們會投入不可思議的注意力、能量和積極性。領先到達 或超過自己的高標準的決心和堅忍不拔,使他們獲得許多成就。



  • 首席財政執行官
  • 知識產權律師
  • 設計工程師
  • 精神分析師
  • 心臟病專家
  • 媒體策劃
  • 網絡管理員
  • 建築師
  • 管理顧問
  • 經濟學者
  • 國際銀行業務職員
  • 金融規劃師
  • 綜合網絡專業人員
  • 各類科學家
  • 研究所研究人員
  • 系統分析員
  • 計算機程序師
  • 研究開發部經理
  • 各類技術顧問
  • 技術專家
  • 投資專家
  • 法律顧問
  • 醫學專家
  • 經濟學家
  • 投資銀行研究員
  • 證券投資和金融分析員
  • 投資銀行家
  • 財務計劃人員
  • 企業併購專家
  • 各類發明家
  • 建築師
  • 社論作家
  • 藝術家
For those of who think my result is accurate (that is if you think you know me well enough of you should give it a try....

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Right before I take off.....

I am sitting here at Taipei airport, feeling very bored.....I had extremely bad experience using the so called "free hinet wifi" at both KHH and Taipei airports, so now I am just sitting here stealing the wifi from a nearby lounge....I walked around and found a book I wanted to buy but forgot to orer. I guess that can also keep me entertained a little if I cannot start the movies right away. I actually slept for 10 min on the way up to Taipei. I guess I was tired enough from only sleeping around 5 hours last night. I wonder how Ivan is feeling since he slept less than me and he is having 2 school interviews tomorrow....'s always hard to leave home and head back to my regular life. I guess the most annoying part of my regular life is the teaching part which I am dreading already....I am not sure if I would be all excited to leave TW if there is no teaching waiting for me either. It's always good to have family around you know? especially when mom basically does everything for me most of the time I have a break at home....Being a kid is sure relaxing....and I guess the only person who gets to do that all the time now is Ivan....although I hope it's not gonna be for long....He is still the youngest kid after all.....sighs....

I took few last photos before I left. It's easter Sun this weekend. Mom was cooking a lot of easter eggs and I was helping a little when she showed me how to put those cartoon plastic wraps on the eggs...1st time I have ever seen those really....kinda fun....

Here is a photo of the last dinner (or lunch? again I can never remember...just too many meals...) we had at home....I think it was from yesterday or so....

Here are the eggs already cooled down in a basket....colorful huh?

I guess that is it for TW this year....hopefully next time won't be too long from now.....

Friday, April 10, 2009

Trip to the little town where dad grew up at....

This was the dinner we had (or was it lunch?) 1st day of 2nd week. I think all I did after Billy left was eat, eat, and eat nonstop....but that was the same thing I did while Billy was here

This was a strawberry cake Yi-Si ah yi made for me. Quite tasty actually....

On Wed dad and mom wanted to take me somewhere....but I had no idea where I wanted to go....We were originally going to 七股 for seafood, but then took a long detour cuz it was so close to dad's hometown. He "gradually" drove us toward his hometown and we ended up having a trip which excited dad more than any one of us :) We didn't really see anything spectacular, but it was really cool to see how dad had all his memories coming back to him. I was really glad we made the trip actually, cuz it's rare dad gets a chance to go back nowadays since nobody lives there now....The 1st stop we made was to get some popsicles from the so called "sugar factory" (糖廠). Even though I don't understand why dad's so into those popsicles, but I guess it's all about childhood memories. There was also this dog who followed me around to share my popsicle with me. I didn't know dogs are into those

Dad's high school. It's actually in 佳里, not 北門.....kinda weird how they have a high school shared by several neighboring small towns...Dad used to take bus in the morning everyday just to go to school.

The front door which used to be the side door according to dad....Pretty nice looking school in this small place I must say....

The fried oyster cakes on the left is the food I remember eating every time we go back to dad's hometown. I don't even remember when was the last time we went, but dad said he hasn't been back since maybe 20+ years ago....quite amazing I still have some memories of the place left...kinda weird....

This is dad's old house where he spent all his years before college. I think it was renovated many years ago, but now nobody lives there...

We visited this "black feet disease" clinic started by doctor 王金河. Even though dad didn't have black feet disease, he had knee arthritis when he was a kid and was treated by doctor Wang at the clinic for a while. Dad recovered there and helped out at the clinic since he took a year off school because of his knee problems. Dad accepted Jesus Christ and later on the whole family came to Christ as well. When we visited the place we accidentally bumped into the nurse who took care of dad at the time as well. She is now a volunteer at the memorial clinic which is open for visit nowadays. Ivan said this place is also written about in his textbook.

Disgusting preserved parts of the body cut off from those black feet patients, which kept Ivan scared for the whole night whenever he thought about them....I forced Ivan to take those photos just so we have a record of them. The 2nd photo here is the clinic logo which I thought is kinda cute....

The church where dad attended when he was sick. He later became a Christian here....

Various food we had from this restaurant in dad's town. The owner happened to be someone dad knew as a kid. I think he used to eat their food growing up. We had mostly seafood since the town is a town with income relying on seafood and salt. The shrimps were what the owner treated us for free :)

This is the last stop we made before we left the town. This was dad's elementary school, and it looks newly renovated....Ivan was so lazy that he took this photo from the car...didn't even step out...but anyway....A long day, but a meaningful trip :)