Thursday, April 9, 2009

Rest of 1st week :)

This was the last day of Billy's stay at TW, which falls on a Sun. I have to say the Sun schedule from dad's church is super packed and long....They also had some people baptized that day so Ivan brought his camera to take photos for them. I don't really know why at the end it turned out to be our photo shoot day as well....I thought taking family pictures in the church was kinda funny....and we had all sorts of church people joining

We just took a photo at the walkway of home so I can have a picture of that dress Billy fixed up for me. I guess it turned out alright except the tights I had kept on rubbing against the dress and the skirt kept on curling up.....That part was annoying but I guess the dress was well worth it....:)

We walked with dad the day after Billy technically this is from the 2nd week already. Mom said that dad stopped his exercising cuz we were home bugging them...So Ivan and I went to walk with him to make up for some of the exercises he lost....I don't think it helped much, but at least we took some more photos together :)

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