Friday, April 17, 2009

1st week after a vacation is always hard... it's finally Friday....and I can't wait till today to be over....It's an odd thing how time just goes so slowly ever since I got back to LA. I guess I am just not really good with routine life, or maybe it's just the teaching part...oh well....A lot of students canceled on me just like how it always is every time I leave for a while....that always makes me wonder why I didn't stay longer at wherever I was taking vacation at....oh well...sometimes we just never learn....

Not much was happening for the whole week, except we have some animal matters at home...Mintie was having diarrhea and I think she was kinda stressed cuz Hades started hitting her again after we resumed our normal life. I got some OTC medication for her and I think she felt better after one day of treatment. She didn't go and poop this morning though, which makes me wonder if the medication now got her a little constipated??? I am still not sure if it's food allergy (since she had diarrhea on and off ever since she started stealing Hades' dry food) or really stress much trouble when a cat is kinda scared of people + trying to adjust to a new environment....I hope she is gonna be fine when Clement and Ivan are here....

Hades' eyes seem to work ok now. I started feeding him this supplement which is supposed to help his immune system. The new tear drops we got from the animal clinic at TW didn't really work that well I think. We will have to see if the human ones work if the situation ever happen again. I am hoping we won't even need that if the supplement works...I started to have itchy eyes after I got back though. It seems like the allergy I had at TW followed me back, which is kinda strange. The human eye drop I got before I left TW became handy for my itchy eyes. Hopefully this will go away soon too....

Hades started having this really weird behavior last night too. He would go to our guest restroom and stand in front of the mirror for a long time. He would stare into the mirror to watch what is going on in the living room, and he can stay there like forever. It was kinda freaky so we taped some paper on the mirror to stop him from doing that, but he still tried a few times after that...I wonder what is going on with that behavior....hopefully nothing serious but just a new hobby he developed....

Other than the two kids acting weird here and there, we have some guests on our balcony too....We got two pigeons trying to get into our balcony few days ago. I kept on forcing them out (cuz there are actually nets around our balcony so most of the time birds cannot get in...), but those 2 just would not leave. I was wondering what is up with those 2 and then one day I saw an egg on the ground. I guess the weather had been kinda cold for the whole week and they just need a place where they can protect their egg...So...the mommy bird has been sitting on the egg ever since...and that kinda gives our cats some entertainment whenever they are in good....Hopefully we will be able to kick the birds out once the egg gets hatched....It will be kinda cool to watch too I guess...oh well...

So....I guess that is all I have been doing....watching the animals around here....I am so looking fwd to weekend....cuz then my watching animal sessions won't be interrupted by teaching hours in the middle of the I am just starting to sound

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