Monday, July 30, 2007


I have been having quite a number of nightmares recently. It's really quite weird since I am a person who does not really dream when I sleep. I wonder if it's because of the stress I have been having recently since most of the time my nightmares would be somehow related to issues I am stressed about in life.

Tiffany was telling me how she grinds her teeth while she was sleeping, and she never did that in her whole life. I told her to go see a shrink cuz she also cannot stop biting her nails. I personally think the stress is related to her dad being here again. Annie also told me that she grinds her teeth, and the stress is from her mom. So...I guess I may be grinding my teeth after a while if I keep on having weird nightmares for a while...

Billy went to work around midnight on Sat. and didn't come home until around 6 or so Sunday morning. I guess he really has a lot of stuff to take care of at work since he took so much time off for the trip. I was not able to sleep almost for the whole night cuz all of a sudden I was missing the snoring sound next to me. I guess people do get used to things easily, and I was probably worried about him driving without having enough rest even though he had my car to talk to.....

I was trying to sleep more this morning to make up for all the lost hours, but what I got was more nightmares. I am not sure what the content was, but the virgo guy was involved....I really don't think dreaming means better sleeping quality even though that is what Billy thinks. Anyway.....just want to make a note on my newly developed problem....


傲馳電訊科技工程 said...

Dreaming doesn't mean you have better quality of sleep, but the opposite.
the 4th level of your sleeping cycle is the period of time when people falls into their deepest sleep, and also dreaming and somniloquy occur at this level.
it takes away the best time that your body suppose to be perfectly resting and relaxing.....

*learned this in my psychology class while still in school :P

Billy said...

Well, I learned from watching Star Trek:TNG that REM(rapid eye movement)sleep is super important. It is the deepest level of sleep when dreams may occur.

I suppose if you dream some exhaustive nightmarish dreams, your body wouldn't be as relax, but I the point is that if you don't ever reach REM sleep(the kind of sleep that can give you dreams), you will go crazy.

That's what happened to the crew of Enterprise until a fix was found on how they can reach the deep REM sleep. I think REM sleep rests the mind or something.