Monday, April 21, 2008

Billy vox tuned....

Went to tune Billy's vocal this morning..... Other than the computer getting stuck at one place three times (and every time we lost some stuff already tuned...and had to start over again) I guess things went alright. Kevin liked Billy's voice and said Billy has a lot of bass end in his voice. He also said he usually likes the untrained vocal cuz it's more natural and has more characters in it. I was cracking up inside cuz I wonder what he would say if I told him it was my hubby singing. least he liked it.....

Kevin showed me some stuff he and his wife did, and to be honest I got a little jealous. His wife has a very sweet voice which cna get powerful at times when needed. They do commercial music and also has a rock indie band which has several records out already. It is indeed very convenient to have a spouse who can sing well and work together with. They can just do everything in their own studio and get everything done by themselves.....including the arrangements (instrumental recordings), the vocal recording, the tuning, and the mixing....I guess I am already lucky that my hubby can sing for me so I shouldn't complain since I can't sing time I am just gonna write something that fits him more....yeah...have to try at least....

Alright....time to we just have to wait for Jacob to mix stuff.....


Unknown said...

So.. you still doing that "recording" things(and teaching)??
Recording?? that's the area I've never known....

Funky Thistle said...

Recording is just what I do on the side when we have free time now....used to be my job to produce music for people....but not right now.... just for income...private lessons...