Monday, April 14, 2008


For some reason I just feel last week was kinda packed with many things...I wonder if it's just my perceptions of time getting messed up or that my brain was functioning kinda weird for the entire week.....?

1st of all the tuning session kinda occupied my free day of the week, and then trying to look over Howard's Chinese version of the 4th song lyrics kinda took some brain out of me even though I procrastinated...Weekend started with a weird lunch cuz my friends from high school wanted to eat with me. Catching up for the 1st time in 13 years was really something. I think I actually enjoyed it cuz high school was such a good time in my life....I can't believe we would be meeting again in LA without ever staying in touch before. The fact that Taeja was so funny and I never knew about it was particularly amusing to me. I guess we will be meeting again soon with another friend who we missed this time.... and soon enough I will be turning into a Japanese cuz all of them are....

House hunting this week turned out to be more promising even though we looked at less houses. I think the market is continue to go down and we may actually be able to get an ok house with our original budget in the future. Nobody really knows how the market will be, but then hopefully we will just be able to catch the right one at the right time. Buying a house is so troublesome I am starting to wonder if I will have the patience to find the right one with so much time and energy spent...sighs...

Weather was extremely hot through the weekend...and gas price is soaring sky high....not like that has any connections to what we did over the weekend really....but just popped into my head for some reason. Jay and Billy tried to work on the Eng version of the 4th song but didn't seem like it was going too well. I certainly hope we will have a chance to do that version and get our mixing fees worth it....but oh well....It's really not up to me at this point...

I also got a new phone 1st time after quite a while. I used to change my numbers every year just to escape from people who I don't want to stay in touch with. I definitely changed my phones every year if not less than a year. I don't know what just happened to me for the past 2 + years...maybe I was always waiting for the best to come and it never is funny at times...yeah....that is too much thinking from a simple phone....but seriously to think about the change was kinda weird...What really happened to me in the past 3 years? hum...

K..I am tired of typing...just gonna upload this photo Billy took for us at the reunion lunch....Noriko on the left used to have the same violin teacher back in high school....Taeja on the right was never really my friend friend. She was also a student at Interlochen for 4 years but graduated one year earlier than me. It's funny she is the person who found out we live close nowadays and suggested meeting up....Oh....I can't stop cracking up when they told Billy how diff. I looked back then...I guess it's always fun to surprise

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