Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What do you write for?

I was reading blogs of various people after I finished all the teaching and things I needed to do for the day. All of a sudden I started wondering why people write blogs. Do we really have THAT much to say anyway? Do we write because nobody really cares about what happens in our lives so we HAVE to share it somehow and let it out? Do we write because there is nobody to talk to in real life so we have to pretend we are talking to someone while we type? Are we afraid that if we don't write we will forget about everything in the future when we get older?

It's quite interesting how distant people become after we "mature" with age. Internet seems to be the only thing that holds our friendships, relationships, or even families together. Is it just how this world is going be? It's quite convenient indeed, but then is it relational? Do people actually get to communicate in a deeper level? perhaps internet gives us a better of covering up and hiding ourselves behind the screens? It's hard to tell really....

I write cuz I don't tend to remember things for a long time. I write because I need an outlet for my stress. I write so my families in the other side of the planet gets to know what is going on with my life. They probably care about about my life....that I am about 99 % sure...I also write so I have a place to process my weird thoughts. I am pretty sure not all strange thoughts are well appreciated. I guess I also write for those who can KINDA understand my tangled up mind.....

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