Friday, January 9, 2009

Feeling Lucky?

Had a chance to chat with Theo this morning and I was amused how he was telling me about Jacob's recent unsuccessful event of going after this girl....cuz Jacob already told me everything... Theo is supposed to be engaged in May, and maybe get married toward end of summer....and yet he is faced with all the pressure in his career at the same time wondering if this is really it. He was telling me that maybe it would be better if he can marry someone that he can enjoy doing music with. I guess all musician guys always dream of marrying someone who can be a good partner in their career, but then don't always have the luck. When they at the end marry the "normal" girls....they get bored easily but then that is that....

I guess I kinda admire Jacob for still trying to find someone who can be his musical partner as well as life time partner, but then the reality is that may very well be the reason why he is always looking at the wrong people. I guess I feel kinda sad for Theo since he is not that excited about who he is gonna get married to but at the same time not able to change the decision.....Who knows? maybe that is the best for him.....

Isn't life just ironic? What we want and look for, may not be what we get at the end...also may not be the best for us....but we still strive hard to get it. What we don't expect in lives, may very well be what we get at the end....and sometimes may be the best for us without us knowing it....and yet we tend not to treasure those cuz we didn't ask for it.

I think we all want to be the lucky ones who get what we want knowing it is the best for us...but that is just luck, huh?

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