Friday, January 30, 2009

Me and my insomnia....

Staying up till almost 2 in the morning is not a good sign...I think my insomnia is creeping back to me since this is not the 1st time recently. Maybe it's the decision I made regarding staying 17.....but then I don't think my insomnia happened any time before I turned at least 22? It's annoying nowadays since when I can't sleep I just don't know who I can talk to. Most of my friends who stay up late are no longer in the states. The person who I used to call, since there is time difference between TW and here, is now dead....I guess it's hard to find someone who does not need to work and can stay up all night nowadays.

A friend of mine just told me in an e-mail that he is gonna try and work in HK for at least 6 months to one year so if I stop by I should let him know. I guess it's quite amazing that at this age he is still up to a big change in life....something I totally did not see in him...I guess people do change but at the end life still goes on.....We all live our own lives and at the end we become parallel lines with each other since our lives don't cross much.

I guess sitting here thinking how all the friends I had are now no longer a big part of my life kinda makes me suffocate. Of course Christian talks about how Jesus should be our best friend, but then he does not live here on planet earth with least not yet....I used to wonder why some people treasure their times with friends so much when there is always family to talk to. Now as a grow older I guess I understand that a bit more.....sometimes you just need to find the right people to talk about stuff with....

Seeing old friends and hearing from old friends make one sink into memories and think just a tap too much I guess....I think if I want to stay 17 I better sleep soon...

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