Monday, January 26, 2009

Sweet 17?

We went to Raymond in Pasadena on Sun. It's at this interesting location close to where we live. It's kinda hard to figure out what goes on in that little place. We pass by it all the time and always wondered how it is. I saw this place on both Michelin and Zagat 2008 and they highly recommand Billy made a reservation and we tried for our BD 2009.

That small ball in the back is not butter for the break. It's siced salmon with sliced apple. I skipped it because of the salmon. The bread was not bad...but very HARD...

The place is very "wooden"....They had 3 small dining rooms plus one small bar. Each dining room has around 4 booths in it. I think at the most the place would sit around 50-60. It's no wonder they need reservations....It's also one of the places we have been to that is full of old people....hahahaha

Here are the appetizers we ordered. The scallops were nice with mushrooms on the top. Billy thinks the pork skin thingy, which I had no idea what the name was, tasted a lot like 東坡肉 I totally agreed. I think they spent a lot of energy placing the appetizer and I liked how the taste was quite detailed with everything...

Here are the 1st 2 photos our waiter took for us. I guess we were lucky we sat at a table with maximum light you can get. I tell you the whole place was kinda dim....and some old folks actually asked if they can turn off some lights...I guess old folks don't want people to see their wrinckles....

Closer look...

Closer look of that pork thingy....and camera still couldn't focus on the right thing. I liked how this picture was constructed though...

So here is our entree. It's New Zealand lamb chops....and I have NO idea what that ox tail on the other side was doing.....but I liked how the cuscus under that ox tail tasted with a tint of apple...

Our waiter was totally paying attention to us cuz every time he saw new food coming he would get to us and take 2 photos for us :)

Closer look at those tiny lamb chops we had....They were REALY TINY....

Here are photos of our BD cake...which was more like a very small pudding in size. It was a lemon pie with lemon tasting sugar tart piece on the side and whole bunch of bubbles that tasted lemon-ish....The waiter kept on saying happy BD to me it's funny cuz he obviously didn't know Billy has the same BD

Here are the last 2 photos our waiter took for us....which concludes the dinner :)

Well....I am refusing to accept the fact I am ALMOST 31. I think I want to stay 15......I used to think I was 14 cuz that is the age I came to the I have stayed in the states longer than I have stayed in TW. I am gonna say I am 17 now....I think that is a good age....right before one turns

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