Thursday, September 13, 2007

Here is to the girls...

We just finished discussing how guys should be to obtain a successful relationship (with Billy's added comments...I wonder why he is adding to the "how guys should act" part...? ), and here is to the girls as promised yesterday, from the book Dateable.

Instead of telling girls what they should do, the author pointed out what girls should "NOT" do. (I thought that was kinda entertaining cuz guys, including the author, often think they should be the side taking initiatives + chasing their target while a lot of guys are actually quite passive nowadays....very ironic isn't it?) Listed here are things girls should watch out for before they ruin the relationship which they dream for.

Girls should NOT:

1. Chase after guys....If you start to call guys you like, buy things for them, be their free labor, etc....then you can be sure this is gonna end in a way you don't like. Guys may still go out with the girls chasing after them, cuz it's convenient enough and satisfies their ego. However, it's against guys' nature to be chased rather than being the side chasing after a target.

2. Plan everything....If you want to know how much a guy cares about you, then just watch how they plan for your dates (or just about everything else). Guys are willing to spend the time and energy planning for things if they think you are worth it.

3. Pay for everything....Guys are willing to spend money on girls they like enough. Girls should not try to spend all the money the guy has, but certainly should be very careful if you are paying for most of the stuff. Girls just need to learn how to let the men be men.

4. Repay guys with anything physical....If it's that easy to get you physically, then guys would probably shift their attention to someone else who is harder to get. Love is not all physical !!!!! Yeah it sounds kinda stupid and everyone should know it....but people don't....Guys like challenges for some don't turn yourself into "no challenge"...

So if you are waiting for a guy to ask you out and he never does, then you have to accept some facts. 1. This guy has no guts and does not want to take the risk nor responsibility asking you 1st. He will probably not be able to protect you nor be considerate for you when you guys go through difficult times, cuz he chooses the simple way out on things. 2. He is probably just NOT interested in you. Very hard for imaginary and dreamy girls to accept....but most of the time true.

Well....everything is easier said then done huh? I know...if we all have self control then relationships should go more smooth. If we all have good relationships, then this world would probably be a better place...There are always ideal situations, and there is I wrote everything in these two day's blogs just because I am bored? bet....:p

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