Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Weirdo confirmed....

I have been watching this Korean soap during lunch time for the past few weeks. It's funny that I still don't like the main character guy. I have noticed (through various TV shows and movies) that I often like the secondary characters more. I wonder what is the reason behind this phenomenon.... Is it because I always like weirdos? or that I sympathize those who don't get enough attentions? or that I am a weirdo myself so I tend to have diff. taste compared to the norm?

Annie brought back whole bunch of books from TW for me. I didn't even know the books are so thick cuz I just looked over them on line and asked her to order for me. I am glad she didn't have too much to carry back or else I would feel bad about all the weight added on her luggage. I was reading Mr. Tsai's blog again last night, and found out he read one of the books I bought too. I guess weird people do have the same taste. I should probably pass along some books to another Mr. Tsai after I finish reading them since he is in our weirdo club too....

I was rubbing my right eye last night cuz it was itching badly. Hades started rubbing his right eye this morning and got it all watery. I wonder if Hades really reflects stuff I feel or maybe I am just making too much out of it. He must be a weird cat to some extend, and that is why I like him so much? I guess I like stuff which consistently needs attention? I don't know when did I start to be like this. It feels like I don't know how to spend time with myself alone now if I am doing nothing.

I thought I am turning into a more severe weirdo as time passes, but that is not the truth... I was reading journals I wrote dating back from 2005 last night, and I was as weird back then....(just a little more innocent that is all). I should find stuff I wrote even more years back and see how I feel about it. Most likely it would just be another confirmation that I am "once a weirdo, always a weirdo...." :p

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