Monday, September 3, 2007

Life wasted waiting for people

Did you know that life is wasted waiting for people? especially when they don't even know that you are wasting your life waiting for them? I just wonder why people would not set a time so everyone knows how much time they have to least this way people can waste less of their lives waiting for things to finally happen. I wonder if it's my fate to always be the one waiting.....(not only I have friends who are never on time, I had to work with boss who never care about other people's time...and now I am living in a no- time- frame-cuz-anything-can-happen zone cuz we don't really seem to have plans settled for anything in life.)

I don't personally believe God wants me to learn the lesson to be less organized cuz I consider being organized and knowing what one wants to do a good thing. Maybe instead of waiting for people I should start making them wait for me so they would know how I feel. Most of the time I feel stupid waiting and wasting time (but nobody seems to care cuz there is too much time in their lives they don't mind wasting a little of it). For some reason I always turn out to be the one who has no patience at the end...(it's like...excuse me....I can have a life too if I don't have to take you people into consideration you know? Why should I have patience when I am the one waiting?)

I should just go out and never call people to tell them I won't be there on time. I should just not show up at various occasions and throw a "maybe" and "we will see" here and there. Life is more fun being unpredictable right? so why bother to know what you want to do? I was told people who are prompt tend to be more successful in life. I was raised up being prompt 90% of my life, and look at how "successful" my life is....right....I may be using 20 % of my life waiting for things to happen... Now we know what people tell you are not true....

Correct....I am TOTALLY venting...

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