Thursday, August 14, 2008 is too boring to talk about really...Why am I even writing?

It looks like I will be meeting with another high school friend again this coming weekend. I guess it will be interesting to meet up with her since last time I saw her was when she graduated from Interlochen. Since she is one year older than I am, I guess it was 13 years ago !!!!????? I guess most of people who are still in music stays in the east coast and visiting the west coast always get them excited....We will see how the dinner goes on Sun then...

Howard also e-mailed me and told me the 2nd EPs were delivered to his door and we should celebrate tonight by going to a meal together. For some reason I can't feel the excitement as much...perhaps because this thing just dragged way too long...but then he said it looks great so it must have started writing a song but somehow just don't have the urge to finish it...maybe I need to hang out with Howard a little and talk to him about writing songs...oh well...

Life has been a bit dull cuz I keep on feeling lazy due to the excessive water in me....I think...I think lately the TV amount also increased a bit much due to the Olympics...I guess it's good since when I get too much of something I just get sick and tired of it... so maybe later on I will just stop watching TV all together....??? I have been reading here and there but nothing seems interesting enough for me to continue for a long time. The 1st photography book I got also seems a little boring and perhaps outdated too since it's not on "digital" photography least it talks about the basics which would be easy to skim through....

My new little student already got me a little worried about the future. She seems to like violin a lot and the mom is really helping her....but then I think this kid is a bit spoiled as the youngest in the family. It's always annoying to teach the youngest kids cuz you rarely meet one that can concentrate. It's really not the age thing, but more of them knowing they are the prince/princess of the family....I don't think I am biased on this....It's easy to see from my previous teaching expericnes. Most of the youngest kids tend to be just a little ADD...

Two more students today and I am done with the week. Man....summer schedule sure is nice...I kinda wish summer does not end and my students don't return...if not for the money part of course...:p Ok...Take that back...two of my students on vacation now should return....They are good kids....the other two...hum...let's just say I can survive without them around....right...

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