Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Scheduling mess

Life has been kinda slow this week. Not much is happening, and yet I am getting more anxious each day. I think I am just kinda annoyed with school starting in a week or 2. It's been a little hard to schedule the students since everyone is starting school at diff. nobody seems to really know their after school times and all...I can't believe summer is already over and I will back to teaching 5 days a week again....sighs....I wonder why it makes any difference since I didn't really do much with that extra day in Aug anyway....

My head has been acting kinda weird too. I am not sure if the brain is functioning slower cuz I didn't sleep well, or indeed I do have a very mild cold. I have been waking up with headache every morning for this week, and yet the symptom of a cold seems very minor. Maybe the routine of life staying the same everyday gets my brain rusty or something....I don't know....Not really sure having a very routined life is good for me, but seems to be good for Hades. He has now been off the collar for several weeks. That is for sure a big accomplishment in the past few years of his life....

Alright....let me go on with my boring life today and finish my 2 students of the day now. Too bad it's a 5 day week for me already....scattered schedule is really annoying.....Arhhhh....

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