Friday, August 1, 2008

Just do it.....not a Nike commercial...

I was talking to one of my students into dropping violin yesterday. This kid is like in 8th grade now, and takes piano, violin, art, composition, and all other classes at the same time. I actually like teaching this kid because she is smart, but then I really don't think she has what it takes to become a even half decent musician cuz you know she is just not born as one. We had fun talking about various things regarding music and productions, and I just told her it's more fun to enjoy music than making a living out of music. I told her she should really concentrate on other things in life unless you have the passion that you have to go on as a musician or else you would die.

It's funny she looked at me and said "you must have the passion then" and I just said " was one way for me to get through a decent education without paying money or else I couldn't afford it.....but then yeah I enjoy it at times...but not most of the" I knew all along that I had the ability to do something else than music, but music was certainly a easy way to get scholarship while I steal some of the credits to learn other things I might have the chance to waste credits on. It's just too bad that now I am stuck with doing music most of my life, but at least I have what it takes to get through the school and everything...

My conversations with my student reminded me a lot of a piano teacher back in junior high. She used to tell me that I should just major in something else and do music as a hobby since I had the brain for other stuff. I just thought it was interesting for a piano teacher to say that, but then I guess she really inspired me to think about other options and to be honest I never thought I was really going to become a musician anyway. My piano teacher was very bright herself. She was in the best schools throughout her life, and got her master's from Indiana, married a doctor, had a life everyone envied for....After she gave birth to a son, they found out she had liver cancer and she passed away one year after I left TW. I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye.

Sad story I know....sometimes I just wonder what we are striving for in life. There can be so many diff. goals and then we don't get to finish them. There are so many things that people expect us to achieve and at the end we find out everything means nothing to us....and those things we achieve don't even guarantee us a good living or anything. Life is just so short to be only thinking about what we can do in 10 or 20 years. We may not even live that long to find out. We keep on waiting for opportunities to come our way so we get to do what we want. The truth is we keep on waiting because we are afraid that things may not turn out to be the way we want them to be.....

I was reading this new book that is written by some German people....discussing the philosophy of love, sex, and marriage and all that through human history and the diff points of views of philosophers. I got very amused when I was reading the views of Kierkegaard. He thinks that once people are in a marriage, they then begin to think this thing called marriage "belongs to me". Due to the sense of belonging, the embraces in marriage means so much more than sexual embraces. People then gain deeper significance on the subconsciousness, decisions, and attitudes. According to Kierkegaard, marriage is really a blessing from the what amuses me that much? Well...the book says Kierkegaard, who said all that, chose to avoid marriage at the end....

Isn't life just funny? There are so much to be said....and not that many people can actually do them...No wonder pastor Jim said the actual doing is very crucial in our walk of what we believe....

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