Thursday, August 7, 2008

New Kid

I started teaching this little kid this morning...and think I probably got myself into more trouble again....So here is the story....Many years ago this mom asked if I can teach her daughter on violin. I was not into teaching and really didn't want to bother with young kids so I said just wait till she gets older. I started traveling a lot and I guess I just kinda told people I would not take any new that was that....Few years back this mom called me again and asked if I can teach her 2nd daughter since the 1st one was already too old to start. I was like....hum....let's do this....just wait a few more years.....maybe till she is in school so she can at least understand me better and I would not have to struggle through the lessons....and that was that....

Last month.....this mom gave me a call again....she said "hey....can you consider teaching my daughter now? She is 7 now and I think she really wants to learn..." So I started feeling really bad about this whole thing....I said...."fine....bring her to me and we will just do 30 min for now. I really don't want to kill her interest and all....but if she wants to learn then I will just be as strict to her as to my other students...."

1st of all....I don't understand why the mom wants her kids to learn violin so much (or just music in general)....and I don't know why she insists on finding me either. I don't even freaking know how she got my new cell phone numbers....but I am sure she really tried hard cuz I don't think more than 5 people from EFCLA knows my new numbers now. I didn't even go to the church for many years just to think about that....I really hope I won't have to kill myself teaching a young kid like this again. I don't want to be mean either so help me God....

Sometimes I just wonder if all is worth it when parents try to put their kids through stuff the kids are not necessarily interested in. Why not just let them go with what they love and soar on those aspects? or is it just so hard to tell what a kid is talented with and interested with? Maybe that is....since not a lot of kids know what to think about or do while growing up....but I personally think it's because a lot of parents don't even spend enough time exploring the world with their kids...anyway....

It's always good to get some extra work....but hopefully it will be a pleasant one since teaching is really not my favorite activity....It's good the mom is gonna watch the kid so I don't have to push much. I am just hoping the kid has a little talent so we don't have to get stuck on things and all lose interest. I think Hades is upset now since I had to lock him in the room for 30 min since the mom is afraid of cats. It's quite amazing how many girls are actually afraid of cats...what's up with that? Is it because girls tend to act like cats and they don't like the similar crowd? Ok....My topic is drifting too far

oh....the mom thought my husband is some sort of artist and decorated our apartment with all the photos and stuff...She guessed photographer....right....I was cracking up....who took all the pictures? lol....

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