Thursday, April 12, 2007


Speaking of's everywhere in our lives I tell you. MSN was down when I woke up this morning, and all of a sudden I had this uneasy feeling that some imp mails might be waiting for me and I would not be able to reply to them on time.

After several unsuccessful attempts of logging in, I decided to go get more of my daily food...dumplings!!! I don't know if I am addicted to dumplings cuz I think I can cut it any time, but I am pretty sure addicted to lazy cooking!

Man...this Akai rice guy is on TV again with the stupid Akai rice commercial...I wonder why he drives me nuts so much...maybe just the way he talks and mostly his looks....anyway....I just got side tracked...

I felt the joy when I got home and turned on my computer. Everything was working fine :) I started drinking coffee and felt my headache went away. That shows I am probably addicted to caffeine as well...

In the Korean soap I am watching during lunch time, there is this princess desperately in love with the king so she would do anything to tie him down. (knowing the king loves another princess from the enemy country with his life.) So...I guess people are addicted to love even when it's stupid (as we can see with friends around us)....

I opened Hades' collar and he couldn't stop licking until I put the collar back on again. So there you go....even cats are addicted to something....I think it's funny how God made everything this way. Maybe it's just a scheme that he wants to be addicted to him somehow?

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