Tuesday, April 10, 2007

It sucks to be a musician....

You know why it sucks to be a musician? Let me tell you why....

1. People don't just use the term "starving musician" for no reason. The only way you don't get to starve unless you are super talented and lucky, is to do things music related which you don't really want to do...such as...teaching....in my own case.

2. If you happen to teach music...then you have the risk of having heart attacks when you get lousy students. When you get ok students, you have to deal with how much talent they actually have. When you get really talented students....they tend not to practice.

3. If you decide to starve and do what you love....then you will probably never make it unless you have very good luck or very wealthy sponsor....by the way....that is still very good luck.

4. If you are so lucky that you actually make a career with things you love to do....mostly likely you would have to work with various people...such as engineers, band members, event coordinators, etc. And....it's guaranteed you would run into some people you absolutely hate to work with but have to.

5. Musicians most likely have emotional problems. They try to justify themselves by saying it's necessary that musicians have more feelings than normal people. Due to that stereotype, most "normal" people judge us musicians differently...and I do not know which way is right.

6. When you are a semi-talented musician....you cannot stand it when people who suck think they are all that....I personally think it's luckier to not know what is out there...but unfortunately I know...

So why am I complaining about all this? I guess because I am just stuck being a musician for now and I am not doing something I like. Or maybe it's because a really lousy student pissed me off big time and I fired him today.... Maybe I am just having my musician's mood swings like "normal" people would call it. I must be having identity crisis again I know...


Anonymous said...


Billy said...

Amen! Lord, please teach us how to overcome this sucky feeling on the inside..., or at least teach us how to rely on your suffucient grace or something. Thanks!

And TF, please just try to forgive James for that stupid kid knows not what the heck he's doing... If he ever repents, then yeah, I think you should go back to teach him again. If he doesn't ever bother to apologize, then yeah, just stop teaching him I suppose..., but whatever happens, don't take his actions personally. It's just not worth it.
