Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Defected memory

I have been having a little problem with my sleep lately. I am not sure if it's because of the time difference between DC and LA. I seem to fall into sleep pretty nicely, and yet through the night I keep on turning. I even woke up before Billy went to work yesterday! I also feel warm sometimes in the middle of the night, and then later feel cold. I am not so sure if Hades sleeping right next to me is helping....He seems to sleep quite well...hum...

I guess life back to normal may be hard to adjust when the week seems a little busier. I found myself absent minded while I was teaching my always-spaced-out student yesterday. I also thought my cooking went a little tasteless compared to before. I even put too much tomato with the eggs so it looked like the majority of the dish was tomatoes. Maybe I am just getting old and having memory problems. I reserved my hair appt for 5:20 when I called my stylist in the morning, but didn't find out I meant 6:20 until I finished teaching around 5:50. Oh well....Billy didn't even notice I cut my hair shorter anyway....so not like it mattered...:p It's now right around my shoulders and hard to control....I should of just cut it super short so I don't even have to blow dry it....

I practiced a little on the songs I am supposed to play in orchestra this coming weekend. I can't stop wondering how it would feel like to play orchestra for a career. It must be super boring really. One cannot hear the whole song when practicing alone, and rehearsing takes so much energy plus it can get dull and lengthy. I guess with my personality (no patience + crave for changes and new inspirations) I should never become a classical musician anyway. I really wonder how I survived all those years of practicing. I guess if I had no talent everything would of been easier. I can probably end up making more money doing something else....oh well..

Speaking of all the years of classical training...my pathological liar classmate from junior high and high school appears on facebook. It's funny how life develops. I think she was the only person from the high school gang who really followed the destiny of what supposedly classical musicians should do. She married a doctor (I think... if I didn't remember this wrong) right after she graduated, and now has two kids without the oldest one being 5 already.

All that makes me think 10 years from now nobody would care about what happened 10 years ago cuz apparently what she was like does not matter now. Stealing, lying, and all the bad stuff that you do to get you somewhere....will perhaps get you somewhere indeed....All I can say is.... how one is educated in the family DOES matter....can't help thinking about how her mom was like...sighs....none of my business really....just some entertainment for mom to read since my mom and her mom went to the same school for college...fortunately not the same major :p I am glad I didn't have much to do with her in school either. Too bad for CLL who had to go through those crap....

I guess thinking about old times does not help my memory much. My brain gets all blurry when I try to get more details from all those years back....and yet I can't remember much....not even the faces unless I see pictures. I guess that is why I am into photos....cuz I know someday I will just not remember all that...perhaps....

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