Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Should I open a consulting firm? lol

Seriously don't know what is up with me feeling tired and yet getting up early. Hades must hate me now cuz he always leaves the bed after I wake up. The sofa arm becomes his 2nd bed nowadays. I guess it's good cuz this way he feels tired and forgets to bite himself.

My distant fake cousin from Malaysia was chatting with him this morning cuz he was trying to finish his HW late at night in SG. It's amazing he is almost done with his studies in SG...just one more year. He was telling me about his newest relationship statues, and I was really perplexed why people seem to have no problem telling me about their relationships no matter how whacked they can be. His is so far so good since nothing is really settled yet, but it amused me that the girl he was talking about was the one we got suspicious on years back when we visited his hometown on tour. Apparently the "jie jie" we were joking about does really like him....6th sense works I

A friend of a friend was also telling me about her relationship issues yesterday. I think it is interesting how "going out with a 'nice' guy" somehow becomes an issue nowadays. I guess "nice" can somehow be related to being "boring" in many cases. I am not sure how many people can really handle boredom well. I know Billy can....cuz he can always stick to things and do them repetitively. I guess I can kinda help de-stress the person talking to me by showing her I understand her frustrations? I seriously don't think I was able to offer much help but somehow she felt better after chatting to me. Maybe she just needed someone to listen and that is all...

Mom was making a comment on our DC trip photos. She said they went to all the places in the photos before. I was like...."Am I supposed to be surprised? I wasn't the one who didn't go to DC ok?".... I consider myself lucky with parents who take us kids to places whenever they can. I guess that is one reason why I am into travel. I kinda wanna share the experience with Billy, but then he does not seem to be interested in traveling much. So far I have always been the one planning all the trips we have and I am not really sure how much he likes it really. I have no idea if the miracle would happen one day and he will tell me that he wants to go to a new place just for fun....on top of that plan for the whole trip himself. I guess this is when diff. background and values in life kinda get in the way of enjoying things together. Sometimes things are just kinda pointless to work on, or you get really tired working on them.....

I think I should eat....Gloria changing her schedule on me last min again didn't really help with my meal schedule. I wonder how much longer I will put up with this kid. If she is not so lost with her decisions in life (at age of 18 already) I probably would just fire her. I guess the only good thing about it is how her parents are not too much in the way. I don't know...maybe they should be more pushy than they are so their daughter can finally find her own path. I come...

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