Thursday, March 27, 2008

Freaking expensive high school that is....

Since so many of my high school classmates are getting on facebook, I noticed some of them became fans of the group called "Interlochen Center of the Arts". I got a little curious and went on the website to check out what is diff. nowadays. Well...about 1/3 of the music faculties are still there. I think they probably want to spend the rest of their lives in Michigan. My piano accompanist is now married with my violin teacher's ex-husband. (I think...since the last name is the same now....) I guess everything can change.....

From the application section the school encouraged people NOT TO BE DISCOURAGED at all by the tuition, and mentioned the fee is about 3000-5000 lower than most of the boarding schools across the nation. I was really entertained by that cuz I thought my high school was never famous for being cheap on tuition. I then clicked into the tuition + Fees page, and found out it takes about 40000 to go to the school....and that....does not include personal spendings throughout the year....

So....I was thinking....I will probably never be able to provide a kid with that kinda of education...I don't even freaking make half of the tuition required, and nobody knows if my kid would be talented enough to get any scholarship at all. It sure would suck if I cannot provide my own kid whatever I had when I was a kid. I guess it's not all fortunate to have too much through childhood? Oh

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