Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Classical musicians......

Joelle was checking out my blogs today, and told me that I write a lot of blogs compared to others....oh well.....not like what I write is all that important really....just not that much to do other than watching TV and writing blogs....hahaha

In the detective series I am watching at noon, the current story involves kids who try to make it as musicians. The girl in the story wanted to learn music and enjoyed playing piano all along till someday she becomes like a trophy for her parents.

Parents for those kids in the "music class" use their kids to accomplish whatever their unfulfilled dreams in their lives....and then kids often get unnecessary pressures and try to find outlets elsewhere. (hanging out with friends, buying expensive stuff, etc...) Most of the "musician" kids come from rich families that can provide all the expenses needed to learn music...and it makes it even harder cuz the kids don't really need to work on anything just for survival thus they end up feeling lost....

What is the problem of rich families? A lot of rich parents don't even have time to spend with their kids. A lot of rich parents put unrealistic expectations on their kids. A lot of rich parents think money can buy everything....(money can buy their kids into good schools even). Kids who liked music and started learning it later on begins to hate music because parents think they can go professional (which is a good thing if their kids can't make it with academics....cuz being a classical musician is still considered a upper class kinda thing least it shows you are wealthy enough so you can afford the education....whole bunch of BS....).

Man....even the TV dramas are playing what I see everyday with my students and their stupid parents....what a coincidence.....

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