Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Story teller.....

I have been watching this TV drama from TW at noon for the past few weeks. They just started this new drama which is actually produced by a movie director/writer called 吳念真. The drama is based by a series of detective stories from Japanese comic books, but presented in a somehow very 吳念真 kinda way.....

I remember watching few of his movies when I was a kid....(something like 魯冰花)...Everything in his movies go with a very slow pace....He tells the stories in a certain calmness and tries to unfold everything in a delicate and artistic way. A lot of times one has to be patient enough to reach to the end and finally realize what he was trying to get through to the audience.

Actors in this TV drama are not exactly great, but each separate story sends out a pretty interesting message at the end. It is kinda refreshing to watch something like this I guess...cuz nowadays most of TV dramas are only centered around hot actors or actresses with dumb and stupid stories...It could also be the shade of colors being used in this drama....everything looks somewhat antic with a kinda color veil on things.....hum...I know I am weird....why would a musician be so visual?......

Maybe I just miss my childhood.....(getting old)....or maybe I just like good story tellers...like how I love reading nice written novels, watch well produced movies, or look at paintings which you can try to imagine stories behind it.....not the ones with exaggerated story lines, but with very subtle messages.....(getting vague).....or maybe I am just thinking too much....just in one of my thinking modes....(getting dumb....:p )

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