Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Middle life crisis.....

I was updating my favorite movies on facebook just now....I tried to recall 10 movies that I really liked, and I think most of them I watched before 2000. It really got me thinking...I probably really didn't enjoy life all that much ever since I moved to LA? I tried to think hard on things which happened for the past 10 year or so, and there was not much I can recall....hum....

Maybe I am just getting old and having middle age crisis.... not much is accomplished in life any more, and the only thing I don't get tired doing is petting my cat. Sighs...need to get more coffee cuz I am still sleepy. Couldn't really sleep in this morning for some reason. I hope my insomnia is not coming back to me....

1 comment:

Billy said...

I think you are yielding to that 'fire in your belly' again.

Coming to LA is the biggest mistake of your life? Past 10 years had been the least enjoyable in your life? Life just plain sucks and boring most of the time?

Well, guess what? At least you found a cat who loves you and who you love to pet!

See that operative word... 'love'?

We have to learn to enjoy whatever it is that we're doing at the moment. Cherish whatever and whoever comes our way. Best way to enjoy things is to try to love it. Try to look at the brighter side of things instead of all the negative aspects. Nothing in this world is perfect, so it's all too easy to criticize things or people...

Your cat for sure has some negative qualities, but you can easily overlook those things because you love him. You see the power of love? Your stray kitty loves you very much too and he has found purpose in life in YOU!

I hope soon you'll be able to find purpose in life in your Lord too! :)

But first, I'd like to extinguish that fire in your belly, in the name of Jesus I extinguish it!!! ;)