Monday, October 22, 2007

Over the weekend....

Hum....didn't know that I didn't write any blog for this long...I guess I didn't have much to say or make a note of....or maybe I was just lazy....yeah...that is probably the reason....oh well...

Weekend went by starting with Billy's weird one-night sickness...His stomach probably decided to stop functioning cuz there was too much food to process. The stomach came back to funtion after a night of sleep though (I don't know how he was able to sleep better than me while he was feeling sick...oh well....God's blessings....), and Billy cooked some terribly greasy breakfast just to test if everything was alright again (That is my own assumption...hahaha....) Here is a photo of the breakfast he made with ham, bacon, egg (the york was not fully cooked....better skill than I have !!!) and the toasts which I had been in love with for the past week....
Rest of the weekend went by with a not so satisfying An Lee movie, and a not so satisfying production discussion session with typical classical choir musician. Oh well...classical musicians who graduate from mediocre tend to not know what is out there that is all I can say. (Or maybe I am just not into classical singers/conductors who seems gay to me :p....ok....enough indication of how good my 1st impression was toward the guy.....not like I am getting involved with the production anyway....hahahaha...not a chance....)

Just noticed over the weekend that Hades is once again getting some skin problems....I think we probably had been feeding him too much human food and some of the food was too salty or greasy. I hope the problems go away soon cuz he surely does not look happy with his collar back on him most of the time...and he hates it when I try to wash his wounds clean. I was surprised that cats should not eat garlic...and that is probably why most of the food I cook is not too god for him....oh well....even cats have diet problems...too bad this world is not all natural as the Adam and Eve time any more....

I have also been reading this book which Nancy brought back for me. I am pretty sure she would not even open that book to take a glimpse cuz it's full of disgusting things which she would not want to look at. The writer is someone who gets hired to clean up stuff a deceased person leave behind. A lot of the cases are with people who don't get found out dead a month or longer after their death....yeah...the description of the corpse gets gross, but then I think the stories behind each case is weirdo...right....

K....gonna concentrate on my recorded TV cuz two of my students canceled today. I have to say I am fully enjoying my afternoon having no students to teach. Haven't have this kinda good mood in a long time even though I am doing nothing particularly exciting..... :)

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