Wednesday, October 24, 2007

May 28th is a weird date

I just discovered that I know three people in my life with the same BD. I was very stunned about this discovery cuz I don't recall remembering that many people's BDs other than my closed ones...All three of them had some sort of significance in diff. stages of my life, and one just came back in touch with me through facebook out of the blue. (Joelle of course is still in touch with me since she didn't leave for that long yet...and thanks to the internet we still know what's up with each other so far...) I am not sure if I would ever want to get back in touch with the remaining one though.... It may just bring back a little too much memory from the past.

What I want to say is really weird...for some reason certain dates are just more repetitive in my life than others...and yes....I am a little caught off guard about this sudden reunion....Hum...

Hey Ho-Ching....if you are reading what I am typing right now..... in must be entertained huh? hahahaha.....

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