Friday, November 16, 2007

Cat depression

When I tell my friends that Hades gets depressed, most people would laugh....but the fact is....Cats do get depressions....Cat's moods are closely related to their owners...and I guess that is why my cat has been having bad mood for the past week.

Hades started biting himself and got two bleeding spots again this week. I guess he felt the negative clouds around me for the whole week. I guess I have to work on getting him a better mood now...maybe eating some chocolate would work? :p

1 comment:

傲馳電訊科技工程 said...

應該有專門給寵物吃的巧克力吧~ 但跟人吃的有沒有相同效果....等你試驗過後再跟我們說吧 ! ^_^