Friday, November 2, 2007

TGIF !!!!!!!!

It turned out that Billy's car only had a dying battery, and it was fixed right away last night. Even though I spent too much time driving back and forth because of the car repair, it was still good the problem was smaller than we expected....

Jacob kept on asking me if I want to meet this and that person from TW as if I know who they are. I guess he is trying to get me hooked with whatever resources he has before he leaves LA. Even though I appreciate his effort but I am not sure how much of that is actually gonna help me. 1st of all....I am not all that interested getting to know all the Christian ministry people cuz I am not in the industry and don't really want to be in the industry anyway....2nd of all...some of them actually have bad integrity and Jacob may just does not know....(or maybe he does...but Christians tend to cover each other's butts cuz of God's love anyway....oh well...very sarcastic....)

What I really care about for now is when we can have a definite date to go to Santa Monica...Jacob kept on asking if we can go, but no definite time can be agreed on....kinda want to just get that out of the way cuz it's gets annoying to have something hanging in the air for weeks. I think I should just forget about counting on people to keep schedules as promised cuz nowadays nobody really keeps promised dates.....very sad....(and again in my opinion that is bad 家教....but then people don't really learn much from their parents nowadays either...sad..sad..)

Ok...just nagging on meaningless things cuz it's Friday and I am so looking fwd to finish teaching this week. Hui-Ling jie called and wanted to eat together. People like Hui-Ling jie who keeps in touch with ex-co-workers are very rare nowadays....Eva is gonna cook tonight. We will see how everything goes...

By the way...Billy was telling me that if a guy wants to look for qualities in a girl, then they need to look for 1. integrity 2. flexibility 3. giving nature...Eva and Katty would both be the top of the list with those components installed in them...I have no idea what is wrong with guys' brains nowadays....

1 comment:

Billy said...

It's just that with our 'sinful nature', we usually won't find integrity, flexibility and having that giving nature attractive. Most of us would take those qualities for granted, some might even laugh at those qualities! God loves those qualities, but unfortunately most of the people don't really care about those things...

In order to raise other people's interests, we need to make ourselves more 'interesting'! ;)