Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Everyone getting it at the same time...

My digestion function quited on my once again.....usually I would get it back on Mon but then it's Tue already and it's still not working. Whatever I ate just piled in my stomach and never comes out....result of that....I gained around 3 lbs compared to my normal weight....I think Billy was right....I am starting to miss my inner fire which helps me to lose weight...

Billy has been semi-sick for several days, and I think I am getting a little sick myself. Woke up with a bad headache both yesterday morning and this morning. Hades threw up this morning too...I wonder if he is also feeling sick? It's annoying when everyone gets sick at the same time, but I guess that way you get over it at the same time too...oh well....

Went to get some veggies this morning also. I was paying attention to some prices since we went to Japanese market last week and I wanted to know which market has better price. I think I am totally turning into "yellow face" wife now. Can't believe I shop for food nowadays and pay attention to what is on sale. It's kinda sad....anyway...never realized 空心菜 is really expensive considering you don't eat every part that is included in the bag...and the price is close to 5 dollars per bag!!!! It also takes forever to clean up and get it ready to cook. It took me at least 30 mins to just get it all picked and cleaned....that is like FOREVER......

I think the reason why I am having problem digesting is partly due to not having enough veggie eating out compared to what I cook at home. I am also having a cold sore which gets bigger each day....hum...I think I am gonna take a pain killer for the headache now...

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