Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The blender.....

This is the blender/food processor that we got from wedding registry. I think it probably arrived back in May or something, and I never opened it. It sure shows you how much interest I have toward food that needs processing.....

I opened the box and took out the blender this morning cuz I thought I should start drinking some fresh juice. I am usually too lazy to eat fruits and occasionally have constipation thus I thought drinking juice would help. I made a smoothie with an apple, some carrots, and some celery.....and.....the smoothie turned out to be not too smooth....

I also thought the portion is too much for one person to time I should make Billy drink with me. I am not too sure drinking this is good for me though cuz I keep on feeling cold after I finished it. Maybe it would work better for Billy who is always feeling hot..hehehehe.....Anyway.....there is this booklet with some recipe included with the machine. I shall take a look into that when I am really bored so the processor can save me some time cutting stuff :p

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