Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hades has been acting weird....

Our cat Hades has been acting weird recently. He stopped coming into our bedroom when we try to sleep at night, and only comes to sleep on his own pillow in the middle of night. This morning I noticed he wasn't on his pillow and apparently he decided to sleep outside in the living room last night. He is also not eating his normal portion of food and not going to his restroom regularly. I wonder what is going on with him....

Hades is really a weird cat cuz often times his mood reflects my mood. When I am not feeling so uplifted he would go into the "biting" mode and hurt himself somehow. I noticed that he started licking his right hand chest again this morning cuz some of his fur was all tangled together by small amount of blood. I washed him and then now he is staring at me in the room, not willing to come out to eat his lunch.

I don't think I am in a bad mood recently, but then I don't know what I am feeling subconsciously either...( cuz I have been having some nightmares and weird dreams for a while). Maybe Hades knows more than I do? or maybe he is just terribly annoyed that we have been eating a lot of chicken and never shared with him even when he looked at us with his begging Antonio Benderas eyes?

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