Saturday, June 23, 2007

Just a proof.....

Just a proof for what I was saying comes an e-mail from one of my ex-boss who was saying "please let me know if you need any help on your wedding" and even replied with a response card reserving two seats for both ceremony and banquet. (Worse than those who never replied in my opinion)...Read the section below which was copied and pasted directly from the e-mail.

"dear TZ

Congradulation on your wedding. You must have been very busy with the preparation...right?

I am sorry to inform you that I won't be able to attend your wedding because I have to go to

Toronto for 2 weeks with Rachel.... We are going to take Singing Water's course for 2 weeks from July 1~13th. We decided to do that in the end of May.... really sorry for that... you know... I am kind of unpredictable.... But OUR PRESENT WILL BE THERE.... Hahaha... God bless


Just a proof....talking about disappointing people in life that you meet, one can hardly get better than this. Like I care a damn about the PRESENT, and he really knows how busy I am without ever talking to me at all.....I would not be inviting if it's not just for being polite. I wonder why I am even bothered, but I sure am....cuz it's LAME!!!!!! After all this is someone who I worked with blood and sweat for and then never even got a note or call saying at least "goodbye" while I was leaving the job. Hui-Ling jie had to treat me lunch to celebrate my leaving while she was only a part time staff. How pathetic.

There is a song called "sorry seems to be the hardest word"...but you know what? It is only the hardest word to say when you really mean it...other's just an easy word to use for get ting out of everything. It's the best word to say in fact, when you make a boo boos and don't really feel like fixing it up.....In that situation then "sorry" is the best one to use for an easy get out.

Leaders who can't even keep their words sure makes a big difference in this world. Healing sessions should really be given to those around them who are hurt, not audiences thousands of miles away so they can be praised. "Unpredictable" sure is a word to use. Again....this is just a proof...a proof only...seriously....ok...fine...with my pissed off emotions in it....but still a proof....People who decide to prove themselves un-trustworthy really don't need that many chances given to them.....The results will be all the surprises, no lucks...the best way is to stay away....:p


Billy said...

To be disappointed it only natural. Life is full of disappointments. However, I still believe we should give people the benefit of the doubt... try not to allow our past hurts to dictate our future. As sucky as this world is, it is most definitely not completely faithless, hopeless and loveless. Kingdom of God is at hand. Just because others are not reaching for it, it doesn't mean we have to settle for kingdom of satan ourselves. Our Lord called us to love even our enemies. For sure none of the people you mentioned who failed to deliver their promises are your enemies, right? ;)

Think positive. Think about lovely things. Think about me!!! ;) Don't let these things poison your mood. It ain't worth it. We're all only human... therefore not perfect like God. If God ever failed to fulfill His promise, then I'll be pissed!

Funky Thistle said...

We should give people the benefit of the doubt only if they deserve it. If people fail to prove themselves to be trust worthy time after time, then we should start doubting ourselves being dumb for never learning the lessons. I don't think we should be enemy with anyone, but then I would not take everyone as my friend either..."acquaintances" stay as acquaintances for a reason....

I did pulled out from that shitty mood...1. by writing about the shitty incidents 2. by thinking about friends who are still loyal and trust worthy. 3. by drinking my boba milk tea...and I guess I should of think more about you to help huh? hahahahah.....

Billy said...

I can screw up sometimes and cause you to be pissed off too!

So best person to think about would be your Lord Christ Jesus! :)

As long as thinking about me can get you to a good mood, by all means, think of me! ;)