Thursday, May 3, 2007

Bug me plz....

I went to get my fingerprint recorded this morning. Two people from China came to ask me to fill out their forms for them while I was waiting for my number to be called. I am not sure if I had "I can fill out your forms" on my face while I was sitting there, but they sure think I did.

Anyway....filling out forms for people was not a bad thing since I had nothing to do, but when someone wants to talk to me while I don't really want to know her stories really bothers me. The 2nd person who asked me to fill out the form was around 40+...and she kept on chatting with me, telling me about her life. I am ever gonna see you again when I walk out of the room...

I have noticed my ability to get information from people without me wanting or asking for it. I am really not that interested in others' business, especially strangers'. I don't know if this ability is really needed for someone like me since I am not that sympathetic according to my test results. Oh well...weird things do happen.

I had very difficult time falling into sleep last night for the whole night. The funny thing is, I noticed how I adjusted to Billy's snoring through the past few months. If it wasn't for my insomnia last night, I would not be aware of how I almost don't hear the snoring every night now. I also noticed that certain sleeping posture would reduce the volume of snoring. So I guess there is some new discovery everyday, even when you lose sleep.

While I was trying very hard to make up some sleep before my appt this morning, my student's mom had to call and wake me up. It's funny how all my new students and their moms kept on calling me asking where to buy music. I wonder where they got their music with the previous teachers.

Ok...I know I am talking about scattered stuff....but the point is....the past 24 hours is like a "bug me plz" day for me. Going off to teach now...hopefully I won't get bugged by my students again. :p

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