Thursday, May 10, 2007

I think this is about the last blog I am gonna write on Ho-Ching for now

Mom told me to give Ho-Ching's mom a call, but then I am not really sure if I am gonna do it any time soon. I am usually not very good at dealing with dramatic situations, and most of the time I would just put it aside until the event kinda fades...I's how nothing gets done really....

I was reading stuff from Robert and Sheila....and just remember that I forgot how well Ho-Ching used to cook. I guess part of the reason was because she was already sick and didn't cook all that much when I got to know her. I am just not all that into eating, but somehow people around me those years were usually those who enjoy food a lot. I remember how Ho-Ching's face would just light up when she talks about food. I used to get very entertained about it.

I am just gonna attach some stuff Robert and Sheila wrote here so you all get to see how everyone misses Ho-Ching. I am sure there are more from others but this is just a glimpse.

Here is something Sheila wrote.

我幾乎每天晚上都會作夢;醒過來後,卻常常煙消雲散,忘記夢見的內容。星期六的晚上,整晚夢的都是荷晴,醒來後,夢境卻還是歷歷在目︰我夢見從前跟荷晴一起去玩過的地方、我夢見她那常掛臉上的笑容。 荷晴是我來到加州第一位認識的朋友。我們一起做的第一件事就是去逛大華、買波霸奶茶。後來拉肚子,她還給我藥吃。在她面前,第一次的見面,卻好像是家人一樣地親切。 荷晴是個好廚師。她會隨手煮些家常菜,我們吃來卻一點都不輸懷念的家鄉味;因為吃進去的不只是她煮的好味道,還有她那善解人意的"分享"。 荷晴是個好遊伴。她有清楚的方向感,而且她總是先我們一步知道哪裡好玩,然後扮演嚮導的角色,帶著我們去探險。跟荷晴在一起,永遠不會有"無聊"的時候。 荷晴是個好聽眾。她會觀察你,看見你的心事和憂慮。然後她會聽你傾訴、陪你分析事情的利弊。有智慧的荷晴,會用她那特有的幽默,化解你心中的煩惱。 荷晴生病,不是一件新聞。第一次見到她,就發現她走路比較慢。尤其是上下樓時,她會叫我們先走,然後她再慢慢地跟上。後來,荷晴的病愈來愈嚴重了,她瘦得只剩原來一半的體重,走路也愈來愈蹣跚。可是,我不記得曾經聽荷晴抱怨過她的病。我記得的,全是荷晴開朗的笑,還有她那積極、正面的思想。 這就是荷晴。她短暫卻豐富的生命,留給我們的,是這麼健康、開朗的印象,成為我們眾人的祝福。荷晴,謝謝妳,and 再見!如今,我深信妳是蒙了憐憫,要脫去肉身的束縛,去永恆裡等待我們所確知的再相遇。我也為所有荷晴所愛、也愛她的人禱告,唯願這"信"也在你們心中,所以你們也可因這盼望而得安慰。


I got to know a lot of non-believers through Ho-Ching. I became friends with quite a number of them through her. I remembered how she always tried to pull them to Christian events and our concerts. I am sure Ho-Ching really made a difference in their lives. Mom told me maybe her death would be a start to lead them to Christ. I certainly hope her testimony as a Christian would affect those who are not in the family yet.

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