Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Weird Dream part II

It was another night with dreams and this time church was still involved in the dream. I was playing piano for the church and the worship leader annoyed me to death. He would just pull out a song right before they need to sing it in the whole service, and I would have no idea what he is gonna lead next.

I think the dream was all about irresponsible church people who think doing everything last min is fine because in God we have grace. I would just call that abusing our grace from God. I guess I was also fed up with worship leaders who think mistreating their musicians is ok since it has been done that way all along too.

I keep on wondering why every time I remember weird dreams I always know what is the issues behind the dreams. I have a feeling God is probably trying to heal me from whatever the issues are through those dreams and that is also why when this happens I always get super tired afterwards. Maybe releasing all the anger and stress in the dreams just takes way too much energy to start with....

I wish there is this memory erasing machine so people can choose to take certain parts of their life away from the brain. (not like my memory blocking technique which only temporarily bury the issues till one day it explodes.) I wonder if us humans would be wise enough to use that kinda ability if it is available. We probably won't....

1 comment:

Billy said...

Hmm... maybe God is simply running these simulations in your dream just to see how you'd react to them... ;)

Anyway, if God can make all(good and bad) things work together to benefit people who love Him... then I'm sure all (good and bad) memories can be beneficial too. Bad memories could serve as learning experiences I suppose. By erasing them, I'm certain we'll end up repeating the same mistakes again and again.

Of course sometimes it may not be us who are making mistakes, but our experiences will be able help us not to work with that particular worship leader again if he really is that irresponsible!

But then again, if the musicians are capable... and if the worship leader can actually pull it off, I think it's kinda cool to be able to just worship in such free spirited form!!! Yeah, maybe only in your dreams. ;)